A functional, minimalist MVU based language for creating Desktop GUI apps powered by Electron and React. Heavily influenced by Haskell and Elm, with some new quirks mixed in.
- Zero boilerplate 🚫
👾 Just plug 'n' play! No main function, the core logic of all programs comes from the definitions of init, update and view. Ideal for smaller projects. Example of a complete program:
alias State = Int
type Event = Inc | Dec
init :: State
init = 0
update :: State -> Event -> State
update s e = match e with
Inc -> s + 1
Dec -> s - 1
--Multiline list syntax sugar
view :: State -> Widget
view s = Column []<<
Button (Text "+") Inc
Text (toString s)
Button (Text "-") Dec
Minimalist syntax and zero boilerplate means programs are generally very small and easy to reason about. Here is a simple calculator program, the logic should be clear to follow:
alias Operator = Int -> Int -> Int
type State =
display :: String,
operator :: Operator,
operand1 :: Int
type Event = Clear | Eq | OpPress Operator | Digit Int
--Use plus as a "dummy" opterator
init :: State
init = State "" (+) 0
update :: State -> Event -> State
update s e = match e with
Clear -> init
Eq -> State (calc s) (+) 0
OpPress op -> State "" op $ parseInt s.display
Digit i -> {s | display = append s.display (toString i)}
calc st = toString (st.operator st.operand1 (parseInt st.display))
view :: State -> Widget
view s = Column []<<
--Optional structures allow tweaking properties of GUI widgets
Container #{dim = (275,35), bgColor = Grey} $ Text s.display
Row $ (map mkDigitButton [7..9]) ++ [Button (Text "X") (OpPress (*))]
Row $ (map mkDigitButton [4..6]) ++ [Button (Text "/") (OpPress (/))]
Row $ (map mkDigitButton [1..3]) ++ [Button (Text "-") (OpPress (-))]
Row [mkDigitButton 0, Button (Text "AC") Clear, Button (Text "=") Eq,
Button (Text "+") (OpPress (+))]
mkDigitButton i = Button (Text $ toString i) (Digit i)
Type Inference
- Type system based on Hindley-Milner Algorithm W
Helpful static analysis 🔎
Cross platform 💻
- CLI transpiler written in Haskell
- Produces React based Electron apps
Functional purity 😇
- Explicit state management improves referential transparency and reduces the likelihood of illegal states
- Side effects are only permitted from the system primitive definitions initEffects and effect
- Ideal environment for beginners to learn functional programming applied to GUIs
Quirky syntax features 🍭
Performance 🚀
- Widgets automatically detect if they need to be re-rendered based on the part of the state they display and checking it for changes
- Harness the power of the React Virtual DOM algorithm
A labour of love 💜
- My final year project at The University of Southampton. If you are interested, have a read of my dissertation PDF
- Currently searching for a software engineering role in the UK and open to offers of employment :)
- Clone or download (insert link) the repo:
- cd into the
directory - Run
and the makefile will call ghc to produce thesyphon
binary - Run
and the interactive CLI tool will start
The MVU architectural pattern is based on a unidirectional flow of data. From Wikipedia:
A siphon (from Ancient Greek: σίφων, "pipe, tube", also spelled nonetymologically syphon) is any of a wide variety of devices that involve the flow of liquids through tubes
- An alternative implementation targetting a different platform such as creating Flutter smartphone apps
- The syntax is designed to be fairly general on purpose with this future goal in mind!
- Lazy evaluation language primitive