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Gergely Peidl edited this page Dec 12, 2016
17 revisions
Description | Command | Shortcut |
Restart Awesome | awesome.restart |
Mod4 + Control + r
Quit from Awesome | awesome.quit |
Mod4 + Shift + q
Description | Shortcut |
Go left |
Mod4 + left
Go right |
Mod4 + right
Go to the last |
Mod4 + Esc
Go to next Non empty left tag |
alt + left
Go to next Non empty right tag |
alt + right
Go to Tag number |
Mod4 + 1...9
Toggle tag |
Mod4 + Control + 1...9
Move client to tag |
Mod4 + Shift + 1...9
Toggle tag |
Mod4 + Control + Shift + 1...9
Description | Shortcut |
Add new tag |
modkey + Shift + n
Rename tag |
modkey + Shift + r
Move to next tag |
modkey + Shift + Right
Move to previous tag |
modkey + Shift + Left
Delete tag |
modkey + Shift + d
Description | Shortcut |
Focus |
Alt + k
Set focus to next application |
Alt + j
Set focus by direction down |
Mod4 + j
Set focus by direction up |
Mod4 + k
Set focus by direction left |
Mod4 + h
!FIX IT! Set focus by direction right |
Mod4 + l
Panic mode, allways switch to screen 1, tag 2 named 'IDE' ;) |
Alt + a
Set focus to relative next relative screen |
Mod4 + Control + j
Set focus to relative next relative screen |
Mod4 + Control + k
Jump to the client that received the urgent hint first. |
Mod4 + u
Description | Shortcut |
Client swap to next layout |
Mod4 + Shift + j
Client swap to previous layout |
Mod4 + Shift + k
Switch client (a.k.a. Alt+ Tab on Windows |
Mod4 + Tab
Increase master width of the client |
Alt + Shift + l
Decrease master width of the client |
Alt + Shift + h
Increase the number of master windows |
Mod4 + Shift + l
Decrease the number of master windows |
Mod4 + Shift + h
Increase number of column windows. |
Mod4 + Control + l
Decrease number of column windows. |
Mod4 + Control + h
Change the layout of the current tag. |
Mod4 + Space
Change back to the previous layout of the current tag. |
Mod4 + Shift + Space
Minimize a client |
Mod4 + n
Restore (=unminimize) a client. |
Mod4 + Control + n
Toggle full screen |
Mod4 + f
Quit from application |
Mod4 + q
Toggle the floating state of a client |
Mod4 + Control + Space
Get the master window |
Mod4 + Control + Return
Move a client to a screen |
Mod4 + o
Move a client to the top of every other windows |
Mod4 + t
Description | Command | Shortcut |
Open terminal |
urxvtc or xterm
Mod4 + Return
Drop down terminal |
urxvtc or xterm
Mod4 + z
Show calendar |
Alt + c
Show music player | ncmpcpp |
Alt + x
Take a screenshot | gnome-screenshot --interactive |
Alt + p
Lock screen & mute volume & turn off the screen | amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle && xset dpms force off && i3lock -e -f -c 000000 |
Mod4 + l
Open browser | firefox |
Mod4 + w
Open developer browser | firefox-aurora |
Mod4 + Shift + w
Open browser in private mode | firefox --private-window |
Mod4 + Control + w
Open secondary browser | chromium |
Mod4 + i
Open secondary browser in incognito mode | chromium --incognito |
Mod4 + Control + i
Open text editor | subl |
Mod4 + s
Open image editor | gimp |
Mod4 + g
Open file manager | nautilus |
Mod4 + e
Run custom command |
Mod4 + r
Run Lua command |
Mod4 + x
Description | Shortcut |
Raise Volume |
Mod4 + Up or XF86AudioRaiseVolume
Lower Volume |
Mod4 + Down or XF86AudioLowerVolume
Toggle mute |
Mod4 + m or XF86AudioMute
Set volume to 100% |
Mod4 + XF86AudioRaiseVolume
Description | Shortcut |
Pause |
Alt + Control + Up or XF86AudioPlay
Stop |
Alt + Control + Down
Previous |
Alt + Control + Left or XF86AudioPrev
Next |
Alt + Control + Right or XF86AudioNext
Description | command | Shortcut |
Show menu |
Mod4 + a
Show/Hide Wibox |
Mod4 + b
Show menubar |
Mod4 + p
Copy to clipboard | xsel -p -o | xsel -i -b |
Mod4 + c
Change between keyboard layouts | setxkbmap |
Alt + Shift_L
Toggle Redshift | redshift |
Mod4 + Shift + T
Description | command | Shortcut |
Increase brightness with 10% | light -A 10 | XF86MonBrightnessUp |
Decrease brightness with 10% | light -U 10 | XF86MonBrightnessDown |
Increase brightness with 10% | light -A 10 |
Mod4 + Alt + Up
Decrease brightness with 10% | light -U 10 |
Mod4 + Alt + Down