1.) Install docker on your System
2.) Then download my Dockerfile to your path (for exaple /home/pi/fire_tv_server/)
3.) cd into the dir -> /home/pi/fire_tv_server/
// create the image from the Dockerfile 4.) #sudo docker build -t "firetvserver" .
5.) Copy the firetvconfig.yaml in the same dir where the Dockerfile is: /home/pi/fire_tv_server/firetvconfig.yaml
6.) Configure the firetvconfig as you like. The firetv-ID ist the name (for example: Schlafzimmer) and change the IP Adress
// this will start the image and create the container and make a volume connected to your path: /home/pi/fire_tv_server/ and start the firetv server with the config 7.) #sudo docker run -d --restart=always -v /home/pi/fire_tv_server:/config --name python-firetv -p 5556:5556 firetvserver firetv-server -c /config/firetvconfig.yaml
//check that the container runs properly optional.) #sudo docker ps
Change the home assistant config:
media_player: - platform: firetv name: feuer device: Wohnzimmer
- platform: firetv
name: stick
device: Schlafzimmer
Here is the original source: https://github.com/happyleavesaoc/python-firetv