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Apply styles to the body in routes! Designed to work with Svelte Kit and Routify


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Svelte Body

Currently in Svelte Kit and Routify, applying styles per page to the body doesn't work. You can't use :global(body) since the style tags aren't removed and reapplied on route change. svelte-body handles that for you. It's available as an action or component.


npm i svelte-body -D

This library is made for Svelte 5, if you'd like to use Svelte 3/4 checkout v1.


Just like in regular html you can apply classes with class="" and styles with style="".

	import { Body } from 'svelte-body';

<Body class="some classes" style="color: blue" />

Alternativley you can use a style object like so:

	import { Body } from 'svelte-body';

	const style = {
		backgroundColor: 'violet',
		color: 'white',
		'--cool-css-prop': '😎',

<Body {style} />

We use clsx under the hood, which allows you to pass different shapes and only have truthy names applied as classes. Read me about it on their docs.

	import { classList } from 'svelte-body';

	let isBlue = $state(true);

<Body class="red green blue" />
<Body class={{ red: true, blue: isBlue }} />
<Body class={['red', isBlue && 'blue']} />
<Body class={['red', { blue: isBlue }]} />


We also provide a classList and style action, which can be used on <svelte:body /> (or any other element).

  • classList

        import { classList } from 'svelte-body';
    <svelte:body use:classList={"red green blue"} />
    <svelte:body use:classList={{ red: true, blue: isBlue }} />
    <svelte:body use:classList={['red', isBlue && 'blue']} />
    <svelte:body use:classList={[ 'red', { blue: isBlue } ]} />
  • style

    	import { style } from 'svelte-body';
    <svelte:body use:style={'background-color: blue;'} />

    It can also take an object:

    	import { style } from 'svelte-body';
    	use:style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', '--cool-css-prop': '😎' }} />

Migrating from v1 to v2

  • Svelte 5 is now required
  • We updated to clsx v2

Read the full changelog.
