lxc launch images:ubuntu/21.10 mariadb -c limits.cpu=1 -c limits.memory=200MiB
lxc exec mariadb -- bash
## ----- From the container
apt install mycli mariadb-server mariadb-client vim
systemctl enable --now mariadb
mysqladmin -u root -p version
create database if not exists test;
create user 'student'@'%' identified by 'student';
grant all privileges on test.* to 'student'@'%';
select user, host from mysql.user;
mysql -u student -p --database=test
create table courses (
-> courseno int not null,
-> title varchar(100),
-> description varchar(200),
-> primary key (courseno)
-> );
insert into courses values (1, 'Computer Science', 'Start meditating before it is too late.');
cat <<EOF >>/etc/mysql/my.cnf
## ----- From the host
lxc exec mariadb -- systemctl restart mariadb
lxc exec mariadb -- mysqld --print-defaults
export MARIADB_IP=`lxc info mariadb |grep -m1 inet |cut -f3`
apt install mariadb-client
mysql -u student -h ${MARIADB_IP} -p --database=test