- https://www.safaribooksonline.com/videos/linux-foundation-certified/9780134774015/9780134774015-LFCE_01_01_06
- https://learning.oreilly.com/videos/linux-foundation-certified/9780134774015/9780134774015-LFCE_01_01_00
- https://github.com/rilindo/LFCE_Practice_Exams
- https://linuxacademy.com/linux/training/course/name/linux-foundation-certified-systems-engineer
- https://trainingportal.linuxfoundation.org/learn/course/linux-networking-and-administration-lfs211/
- Youtube - Linux Foundation Ceritifed Engineer (LFCE)
- http://www.tecmint.com/installing-network-services-and-configuring-services-at-system-boot/
- https://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/TransparentProxySelectiveBypass
- https://www.coursera.org/learn/real-time-cyber-threat-detection/home/welcome
- http://web.mit.edu/rhel-doc/4/RH-DOCS/rhel-sg-it-4/s1-firewall-ipt-fwd.html
- https://medium.com/information-and-technology/so-what-is-apparmor-64d7ae211ed
- Basic SELinux Troubleshooting in CLI
Essential Commands 5%
Use version control tools
Manipulate file content programmatically
Run commands on many systems simultaneously
Install Linux Distribution
Operation of Running Systems 18 %
Monitor, tune and troubleshoot system performance
Update operating systems to provide required functionality and security
Update the kernel and ensure the system is bootable
Script automation tools to make work faster and more accurate
Train team members on new technology or changes to existing systems
Maintain systems via configuration management tools
Maintain the integrity and availability of hardware
Develop and test disaster recovery plans
Support incident management for outages/trouble
Produce and deliver reports on system use (processor, memory, disk, and network), outages, and user requests
Monitor security and conduct audits
Manipulate Linux system during the recovery process
Use udev for device detection and management
Configure and modify SELinux/AppArmor policies
User and Group Management 10%
Connect to an external authentication source
Configure advanced PAM
Networking 15%
Monitor, tune and troubleshoot network performance
Configure network traffic tunneling
Configure a system to perform Network Address Translation
Dynamically route IP traffic
Implement advanced packet filtering
Service Configuration 17%
Implement and configure an HTTP server
Implement and configure time synchronization server
Implement and configure network logging server
Configure a DHCP server
Implement and configure an SMTP service
Implement and configure the HTTP proxy server
Configure host-based and user-based security for a service
Implement and configure a centralized authentication server
Implement and configure a PXE Boot server
Implement and configure an authoritative DNS server
Storage Management 10%
Manage advanced LVM configuration
Identify storage devices using block device attributes
Manage Linux file system features and flags
Implement and configure remote block storage devices
Implement and configure network shares
System Design and Deployment 25%
Define a capacity planning strategy
Conduct post deployment verifications
Create and maintain software packages
Create, configure and maintain containers
Deploy, configure, and maintain high availability/clustering/replication
Starting docker image. Pam Put firewall for TCP port and specific user DNS zone example.com. Apache server Squid Degrade a package Ctrl + w , ctrl +alt + w wasn't working
Docker create a docker with nginx:xxx docker was not installed
udev maybe: do somthing with /srv/xxxx or maybe: create some drives
systemd fix issues with mysql without modifying configuration files
Packaging create deb package, tar was provided
samba create filesystem create user xxxxx allow that user
git clone a git repo from gitserver(didn't mention username) at /srv/xxx, ssh has been configured correctly, to /anther/location then do bunch of stuff using git
squid install squid and configure it to take configuration from squid-upstream and then maybe clone to squid-downstream
kernel/random question there's a kernel in /srv/xxxx, make it bootable or installable at bootup. I did it using systemd. I used command to install dpkg --install .... rsyslog install and enable and someother stuff
partition create volume group vgx using /dev/xxx /dev/xxx /dev/xxx with 500 MB. create ...... with slicing 5MB. total of two questions
pam configure pam ssh so that if user tries to login 5 time, it gets refused
Openldap looks like ldap server was already installed. kind of exercise provided by linuxacademy.com
Firewall i)this one may not have to be done using firewall -> disallow user charlie to get or maybe send at tcp/portxxx on computer xxxxx. ii) route traffic from port xxx at internet interface to ip address xx.x.x.x at port xx
LXC it was mentioned they were using lxc for all the machines in the beginning. Create lxc Fxxxx and clone Gxxxx and with or something related to /srv/xxx maybe also boot + not boot with these lxc images
Permission many questions: give permission to directory /xxx/xxx 740 and all the files inside this directory 6xx
Email configure postfix use /xxx/xxx.key to create certificate signing request and put it at /xxx/xxxx use same key and create self signed certificate and put it /xxx/xxx use that ssl key and certificate
Apache install apache configure http to listen on port 123 and https to listen on port 567.
Random question i) failsafe to server xxxxxxx ii do it using only nginx or haproxy
Downgrade downgrade package cesxxxx to last version
NFS create nfs share give ro insecure access to network xx.xx.xx.xx give rw secure access to example.com
DNS install bind configure it so that at-least it's listening at lo create a policy at /etc/bind/zones for example.com
JAVE=xxxx setup environment variable and confirm using ssh
sed Question to do a lot of things with file manipulation, like delete all redundant lines, delete second column, and many more.