Python Bindings for Box2D v3 using CFFI
Python bindings for the Box2D physics engine version 3. Provides Pythonic access to Box2D's feature set.
Install from source using pipx:
pipx install "git+"
To include the testbed:
pipx install "box2d-py[testbed] @ git+"
from box2d import World, Vec2
# Create physics world
world = World(gravity=(0, -9.81))
# Create static ground body
ground = world.new_body().static().position((0, -5)).box(1, 10).build()
# Create dynamic bodies
bodybuilder = world.new_body().dynamic().box(0.5, 0.5)
bodies = [bodybuilder.position((x, 5)).build() for x in range(-5, 5)]
# Simulation loop
for _ in range(60):
world.step(1/60, 4)
Currently supports some of the Box2D v3.0 functionality with active development ongoing.