- Use the bashrc_append.sh script to append to the ~/.bashrc file
git clone https://github.com/glahitette/kubernetes && cd kubernetes && chmod +x bashrc_append.sh && cp $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc_backup && ./bashrc_append.sh
Per Vi Bracketed Pasting, use:
:set paste
to disable dangerous functions like automatic indentation while pasting:set nopaste
to restore the initial settings:set pastetoggle=<F10>
to map a key (e.g. F10) to toggle the paste mode
//: # From A Cloud Guru training: //: # ((Note: When copying and pasting code into Vim from the lab guide, first enter :set paste (and then i to enter insert mode) to avoid adding unnecessary spaces and hashes.))
- Are candidates monitored?
- Can we use the Internet / Google / OpenAI?
- Can we install packages (as sudo)?
- Can we use git clone (to quickly setup my env...and access sample yaml files)?