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Simultaneous Interpretation Conference System built with node.js. Primary repo ssh://[email protected]/iuf/mexcla/mexcla-project.git


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Multi-lingual conferencing system built with node.js and webrtc2sip

Development Details


Lanuch mongod: ``` npm run mongod `` or:

Ensure the database URI is correct in app.js: mongoose.connect('mongodb://host:port/database') and launch mongodb: mongod [--dbpath path/to/db/folder] [--port portNumber]

start app: npm start or node app

Change port in app.js if needed. Currently: 8080.

Design notes

Files and Folders

app.js - the server
app.spec.js -- server tests
browser.spec.js -- client & intergration tests using selenium
test/ -- client javascript tests
models/ -  mongoose models
views/ - (NOT currently used) jade templates
src/ - where all front-end code is kept
    src/index.html - index file, also contains underscore templates
    src/js/libs/ - js libraries compiled to public/js/libs
    src/js/app/ - app js files compiled to public/js/main.js
    src/sass/ - scss files compiled to public/css
public/ - gulp-built output
bower.js - front library config file
gulpfile.js - build script
package.js - npm config file

src/js/app/*.js - these are the javascript files for the app. They are concatenated into one file -- main.js -- during the build process. The order is important (see the gulp task 'js'). Current order and role of each file:

  • masterfile.js - defines globals variables -- app, Views, Models -- as objects
  • translation.js - creates a global object, websiteText, which contains all the translatable text for the app
  • models.js - backbone models: Models.User, Models.Room * views.js - backbone views
  • router.js - creates MexclaRouter
  • app.js -- creates router instance app.router.
  • ui.js -- ui code

misc notes

To build run: gulp

Except for the static files in the public folder, app.js only returns json.

The app stores two cookies:

  • 'id' which is the Mongo _id of the user
  • 'lang' the user's current language

The app won't work without cookies!

The app's view changes by replacing or appending to <div id="content">

A user instance is created and stored at app.user, which is referenced by views. If in a room, that room is kept at The view's templates are found in index.html. Look for these tags:

<script id="view-name" type="text/template">


Simultaneous Interpretation Conference System built with node.js. Primary repo ssh://[email protected]/iuf/mexcla/mexcla-project.git







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