Latency report generator for Cosmos SDK addr book
To get a basic latency report run cosmoping against a CosmosSDK addrbook.json file:
cosmoping latency --addrbook-path <path>
The terminal will print the results in markdown format:
| IP Address | Port | ID | Latency(ms) | City | Country |
| ---------- | ------ | ---------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| <IP1> | <Port> | <Peer Id1> | 36354 | | |
| <IP2> | <Port> | <Peer Id2> | 36328 | | |
You can supply an output path to save the results to file:
cosmoping latency --addrbook-path <path> --output-path ./
You can get additional IP location data by supplying an api key from IpInfo:
cosmoping latency --addrbook-path <path> --output-path ./ --location-api-key <API KEY>
This will enrich the resolvable IPs with locations:
| IP Address | Port | ID | Latency(ms) | City | Country |
| ---------- | ------ | ---------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------- |
| <IP1> | <Port> | <Peer Id1> | 36354 | <City1> | <Country1> |
| <IP2> | <Port> | <Peer Id2> | 36328 | <City2> | <Country1> |