This is a Helm chart for a product catalog demo application. The application is a three tier application using React for the front-end with Quarkus providing APIs as the back-end. The back-end was originally written in PHP and then ported to Quarkus. The application itself is a simple product catalog:
The topology view in OpenShift shows the three tiers of the application:
To use the chart, install the demo repo into helm:
helm repo add gnunn-gitops
You can also add the repo into OpenShift 4.6 to make it directly available in the web console GUI:
kind: HelmChartRepository
name: demo-helm-charts
url: ''
name: Demo Helm Charts
To build and update the chart, after updating index.yaml, use the following commands:
helm package .
This will create a new binary package. Take this package and copy it into your helm repository (helm-charts) in my case and then run in the helm-charts:
helm repo index .
To update the index file. Finally add the files to git, commit and push.