New: Add Map block with six built-in map styles, zoom, controls and marker size options
New: Add support for em units on Advanced dimensions controls
New: Add new two column sidbar layouts (66%/33%) and (33%/66%) to the Row block
New: Add "Huge" option for the Row block gutter
New: Add :accordion text prefixes for faster block creation, where the number of ":" represents the number of accordion items
Tweak: Add descritive help text to the Row block "Stack on mobile" control
Tweak: Move the Row block "Stack on mobile" control to the block's Advanced panel
Tweak: Replace the Accordion and Accordion Item block icons with more identifying iconography
Fix: Transforming paragrahs to/from highlights now properly transform child elements
Fix: Row block width percentage tooltip now displays properly, regardless of the current browser
Fix: Nested Accordion blocks are now properly positioned
Fix: Fullwidth rows in the core TwentyNineteen theme now display better
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