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Cucumber mongodb steps for Golang

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mongosteps provides steps for cucumber/godog and makes it easy to run tests with MongoDB.

Table of Contents


  • Go >= 1.19

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go get

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Initiate an mongosteps.Manager and register it to the scenario

package mypackage

import (


func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
	out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)

	// Create mongodb connection.
	conn, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017"))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("could not connect to mongodb: %s", err.Error())

	// Initiate a new manager.
	manager := mongosteps.NewManager(
		mongosteps.WithDefaultDatabase(conn.Database("mydb"), mongosteps.CleanUpAfterScenario("mycollection")),
		// If you have more than 1 database, you can use the following:
		// mongosteps.WithDatabase("other", conn.Database("otherdb"), mongosteps.CleanUpAfterScenario("othercollection")),

	suite := godog.TestSuite{
		Name:                 "Integration",
		TestSuiteInitializer: nil,
		ScenarioInitializer: func(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
			// Register the client.
		Options: &godog.Options{
			Strict:    true,
			Output:    out,
			Randomize: rand.Int63(),

	// Run the suite.
	if status := suite.Run(); status != 0 {

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  • All the JSON (for insertions and assertions) are in MongoDB Extended JSON (v2) format.
  • For assertions, we do support <ignore-diff> for any data types.

For example: Given these documents are stored in the collection

        "_id": {"$oid": "6250053966df8910f804c3a7"},
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "address": {
            "street": "Street 1",
            "city": "City 1",
            "country": "Country 1"

This assertion matches

        "_id": "<ignore-diff>",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "address": "<ignore-diff>"

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Delete all documents / Truncate collection

  • no (?:docs|documents) in collection "([^"]*)"$
  • no (?:docs|documents) in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"$

For example:

Given no documents in collection "customer"
Given no documents in collection "customer" of database "other"

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Insert documents to collection

  • these (?:docs|documents) are(?: stored)? in collection "([^"]*)"[:]?$
  • (?:docs|documents) from(?: file)? "([^"]*)" are(?: stored)? in collection "([^"]*)"$
  • these (?:docs|documents) are(?: stored)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"[:]?$
  • (?:docs|documents) from(?: file)? "([^"]*)" are(?: stored)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"[:]?$

For example:

Given these documents are stored in collection "customer":
        "_id": {"$oid": "6250053966df8910f804c3a7"},
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "address": {
            "street": "Street 1",
            "city": "City 1",
            "country": "Country 1"
Given documents from file "../../resources/fixtures/customers.json" are stored in collection "customer" of database "other"

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Assert no documents in collection

  • no (?:docs|documents) are(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)"$
  • no (?:docs|documents) are(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"$

For example:

Then no documents are available in collection "customer"
Then no documents are available in collection "customer" of database "other"

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Assert number of documents in collection

  • collection "([^"]*)" should have ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)?$
  • there (?:is|are) ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"$
  • collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)" should have ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)?$
  • there (?:is|are) ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)"$

For example:

Then there are 2 documents in collection "customer"
Then collection "customer" of database "other" should have 2 documents

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Assert all documents in collection

Inline documents:

  • collection "([^"]*)" should have only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)?[:]?$
  • there (?:is|are) only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)"[:]?$
  • collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)" should have only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)?[:]?$
  • there (?:is|are) only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents)(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"[:]?$

From a file:

  • there (?:is|are) only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) from(?: file)? "([^"]*)"(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)"[:]?$
  • there (?:is|are) only (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) from(?: file)? "([^"]*)"(?: available)? in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"[:]?$

For example:

Then collection "customer" should have only these documents:
        "_id": "<ignored-diff>",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "address": {
            "street": "Street 1",
            "city": "City 1",
            "country": "Country 1"
Then there are only these documents from file "../../resources/fixtures/customers.json" in collection "customer" of database "other"

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Search for documents

Without a query:

  • (?:search|find) in collection "([^"]*)"$
  • (?:search|find) in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)"$

With a query:

  • (?:search|find) in collection "([^"]*)" with query[:]?$
  • (?:search|find) in collection "([^"]*)" of database "([^"]*)" with query[:]?$

Assert number of documents found:

  • found ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) in the result$
  • there (?:is|are) ([0-9]+) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) in the result$

Assert documents found:

  • (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) (?:is|are) in the result[:]?$
  • found (?:this|these) (?:doc|docs|document|documents) in the result[:]?$

For example:

Given documents from file "../../resources/fixtures/customers.json" are stored in collection "customer"

When I search in collection "customer"

Then I found 2 documents in the result
And I found these documents in the result:
        "_id": "<ignored-diff>",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 30,
        "address": {
            "street": "Street 1",
            "city": "City 1",
            "country": "Country 1"
        "_id": "<ignored-diff>",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "age": 20,
        "address": {
            "street": "Street 2",
            "city": "City 2",
            "country": "Country 2"

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