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k6build builds custom k6 binaries with extensions.


k6build defines an API for building custom k6 binaries.

The API returns the metadata of the custom binary, including an URL for downloading it, but does not return the binary itself.

The request for building a binary specifies the target platform (required) and the dependencies, including k6.

The dependencies specify the import path (as used in the k6 script) and the semantic version constrains.

Dependencies are mapped by a catalog to the corresponding go module that implements it. The catalog also defines the available versions.

If a dependency doesn't specify a constrains, the latest version (according to the catalog) is used.

See k6catalog for more details on defining a catalog.

The default catalog is defined at


The k6build's builder collects metrics about the build process in a prometheus compatible format:

  • Number of build requests
  • Number of build requests satisfied from the object store
  • Number of build requests that could not be satisfied (e.g dependency not supported)
  • Number of builds
  • Number of failed build processes
  • Build time histogram

The k6build server exposes these metrics in the /metrics path.

Usage scenarios

The following sections describe different usage scenarios.


examples/kubernetes describes how to run k6build in a kubernetes cluster and execute k6 tests in a pod using k6exec.


TODO: use k6-operator for running the tests using a custom image.


Build custom k6 binaries with extensions


k6build local

build custom k6 binary locally


k6build local builder creates a custom k6 binary artifacts that satisfies certain dependencies. Requires the golang toolchain and git.

k6build local [flags]


# build k6 v0.51.0 with latest version of k6/x/kubernetes
k6build local -k v0.51.0 -d k6/x/kubernetes

platform: linux/amd64
k6: v0.51.0
k6/x/kubernetes: v0.9.0
checksum: 7f06720503c80153816b4ef9f58571c2fce620e0447fba1bb092188ff87e322d

# build k6 v0.51.0 with k6/x/kubernetes v0.8.0 and k6/x/output-kafka v0.7.0
k6build local -k v0.51.0 \
    -d k6/x/kubernetes:v0.8.0 \
    -d k6/x/output-kafka:v0.7.0

platform: linux/amd64
k6: v0.51.0
k6/x/kubernetes: v0.8.0
k6/x/output-kafka": v0.7.0
checksum: f4af178bb2e29862c0fc7d481076c9ba4468572903480fe9d6c999fea75f3793

# build k6 v0.50.0 with latest version of k6/x/kubernetes using a custom catalog
k6build local -k v0.50.0 -d k6/x/kubernetes \
    -c /path/to/catalog.json -q

# build k6 v0.50.0 using a custom GOPROXY
k6build local -k v0.50.0 -e GOPROXY=http://localhost:80 -q


      --allow-build-semvers      allow building versions with build metadata (e.g v0.0.0+build).
  -c, --catalog string           dependencies catalog (default "")
  -g, --copy-go-env              copy go environment (default true)
  -d, --dependency stringArray   list of dependencies in form package:constrains
  -e, --env stringToString       build environment variables (default [])
  -h, --help                     help for local
  -k, --k6 string                k6 version constrains (default "*")
  -o, --output string            path to put the binary as an executable. (default "k6")
  -p, --platform string          target platform (default GOOS/GOARCH)
  -q, --quiet                    don't print artifact's details
  -f, --store-dir string         object store dir (default "/tmp/k6build/store")
  -v, --verbose                  print build process output


  • k6build - Build custom k6 binaries with extensions

k6build remote

build a custom k6 using a remote build server


Builds custom k6 binaries using a k6build server returning the details of the binary artifact and optionally download it.

k6build remote [flags]


# build k6 v0.51.0 with k6/x/kubernetes v0.8.0 and k6/x/output-kafka v0.7.0
k6build remote -s http://localhost:8000 \
    -k v0.51.0 \
    -p linux/amd64 \
    -d k6/x/kubernetes:v0.8.0 \
    -d k6/x/output-kafka:v0.7.0

id: 62d08b13fdef171435e2c6874eaad0bb35f2f9c7
platform: linux/amd64
k6: v0.51.0
k6/x/kubernetes: v0.9.0
k6/x/output-kafka": v0.7.0
checksum: f4af178bb2e29862c0fc7d481076c9ba4468572903480fe9d6c999fea75f3793
url: http://localhost:8000/store/62d08b13fdef171435e2c6874eaad0bb35f2f9c7/download

# build k6 v0.51 with k6/x/output-kafka v0.7.0 and download as 'build/k6'
k6build remote -s http://localhost:8000 \
    -p linux/amd64  \
    -k v0.51.0 -d k6/x/output-kafka:v0.7.0 \
    -o build/k6 -q

# check downloaded binary
build/k6 version
k6 v0.51.0 (go1.22.2, linux/amd64)
Extensions: v0.7.0, xk6-kafka [output]


  -d, --dependency stringArray   list of dependencies in form package:constrains
  -h, --help                     help for remote
  -k, --k6 string                k6 version constrains (default "*")
  -o, --output string            path to download the custom binary as an executable.
                                 If not specified, the artifact is not downloaded.
  -p, --platform string          target platform (default GOOS/GOARCH)
  -q, --quiet                    don't print artifact's details
  -s, --server string            url for build server (default "http://localhost:8000")


  • k6build - Build custom k6 binaries with extensions

k6build server

k6 build service


Starts a k6build server


The server exposes an API for building custom k6 binaries.

The API returns the metadata of the custom binary, including an URL for downloading it, but does not return the binary itself.

For example

curl http://localhost:8000/build -d \
}' | jq .

  "artifact": {
  "id": "5a241ba6ff643075caadbd06d5a326e5e74f6f10",
  "url": "http://localhost:9000/store/5a241ba6ff643075caadbd06d5a326e5e74f6f10/download",
  "dependencies": {
    "k6": "v0.50.0",
    "k6/x/kubernetes": "v0.10.0"
  "platform": "linux/amd64",
  "checksum": "bfdf51ec9279e6d7f91df0a342d0c90ab4990ff1fb0215938505a6894edaf913"

Note: The build server disables CGO by default but enables it when a dependency requires it. use --enable-cgo=true to enable CGO support by default.


The server exposes prometheus metrics at /metrics

Liveness Probe

The server exposes a liveness check at /alive

k6build server [flags]


# start the build server using a custom local catalog
k6build server -c /path/to/catalog.json

# start the build server using a custom GOPROXY
k6build server -e GOPROXY=http://localhost:80

# start the build server with a localstack s3 storage backend
# aws credentials are expected in the default location (e.g. env variables)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="test"
k6build server --s3-endpoint http://localhost:4566 --store-bucket k6build


      --allow-build-semvers   allow building versions with build metadata (e.g v0.0.0+build).
  -c, --catalog string        dependencies catalog. Can be path to a local file or an URL.
                               (default "")
  -g, --copy-go-env           copy go environment (default true)
      --enable-cgo            enable CGO for building binaries.
  -e, --env stringToString    build environment variables (default [])
  -h, --help                  help for server
  -l, --log-level string      log level (default "INFO")
  -p, --port int              port server will listen (default 8000)
      --s3-endpoint string    s3 endpoint
      --s3-region string      aws region
      --store-bucket string   s3 bucket for storing binaries
      --store-url string      store server url (default "http://localhost:9000")
  -v, --verbose               print build process output


  • k6build - Build custom k6 binaries with extensions

k6build store

k6build object store server


Starts a k6build objectstore server.

The object server offers a REST API for storing and downloading objects.

Objects can be retrieved by a download url returned when the object is stored.

The --download-url specifies the base URL for downloading objects. This is necessary to allow downloading the objects from different machines.

k6build store [flags]


# start the server serving an external url
k6build store --download-url http://external.url

# store object from same host
curl -x POST http://localhost:9000/store/objectID -d "object content" | jq .
	"Error": "",
	"Object": {
	  "ID": "objectID",
	  "Checksum": "17d3eb873fe4b1aac4f9d2505aefbb5b53b9a7f34a6aadd561be104c0e9d678b",
	  "URL": "http://external.url:9000/store/objectID/download"

# download object from another machine using the external url
curl http://external.url:9000/store/objectID/download


  -d, --download-url string   base url used for downloading objects.
                              If not specified http://localhost:<port> is used
  -h, --help                  help for store
  -l, --log-level string      log level (default "INFO")
  -p, --port int              port server will listen (default 9000)
  -c, --store-dir string      object store directory (default "/tmp/k6build/store")


  • k6build - Build custom k6 binaries with extensions