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Joe Grand edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

All commands are single-byte, ASCII printable values and are not case-sensitive. Each command must be terminated with a single CR or LF (sent by the terminal program when the Enter key is pressed). Some terminal programs send both bytes when the Enter key is pressed, which will cause the JTAGulator to interpret it as two separate key presses.

The main menu displays two categories:

When selecting a Target Interface, you will be prompted with a submenu of commands specific to that selected interface.

Target Interfaces


General Commands

V   Set target I/O voltage
I   Display JTAGulator version information
H   Display available commands

JTAG Commands

J   Identify JTAG pinout
I   Identify JTAG pinout (IDCODE Scan)
B   Identify JTAG pinout (BYPASS Scan)
R   Identify RTCK (adaptive clocking)
D   Get Device ID(s)
T   Test BYPASS (TDI to TDO)
Y   Instruction/Data Register (IR/DR) discovery
P   Pin mapper (EXTEST Scan)
OOpenOCD interface

UART Commands

U   Identify UART pinout
T   Identify UART pinout (TXD only, continuous)
P   UART passthrough

GPIO Commands

R   Read all channels (input, one shot)
C   Read all channels (input, continuous)
W   Write all channels (output)
LLogic analyzer (OLS/SUMP)

SWD Commands

I   Identify SWD pinout (IDCODE Scan)
D   Get Device ID