Automated trading scripts for placing trades on TD Ameritrade based on the strategies from Stock Market Options Trading
Includes some ideas from Eric's Patreon-
Developed on Python 3.8
pip install tda-api
pip install selenium
pip install httpx
You will need to install the Chrome Browser and add the chromedriver in a directory in your path (I use /usr/local/bin ) chromedriver -
You will need a TD Ameritrade account with Options permissions Register yourself a TD Ameritrade Developer account and get a API key. This is a separate account from your trading account Create a app and get your "Consumer Key"
Copy the to and add your App Consumer Key and your trading account number
Run first to create the authentication token. Run this every month to see if your token is about to expire. The program will renew your token 7 days before expiration. If the token expires, the scheduled code will not run.
You can run the program after hours to test and make sure the order is working. After it runs, just delete the order at TD Ameritrade or in Think or Swim.
Set up a cron or schedule job to run the 0dte script on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays at at the optimal time. Run the 7dte script on Wednesdays at 3:30pm(end of day). Adjust your time if you're not in eastern time zone. The job needs to change to the directory the script is in so it finds the authentication token. Edit /home/user/TDAmeri-api to match your system.
# TD Ameri-api BOT -- Times updated for Aug 2021 update
50 09 * * MON cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_0dte.log 2>&1)
55 09 * * WED cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_0dte.log 2>&1)
45 09 * * FRI cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_0dte.log 2>&1)
30 15 * * WED cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_7dte.log 2>&1)
30 15 * * MON cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_BWB_4dte.log 2>&1)
30 15 * * TUE cd /home/user/TDAmer-api/ && (python3 >> trade_30dte.log 2>&1)
The code will monitor the order and after a minute, lower the target price by 5 cents until the order fills or times out after 5 tries.
The 30dte and 60dte code has support for the XSP smaller trades. Edit the line trade_strat = strategies[ "Small"]
to Small for XSP and Main for SPX. XSP is one tenth of SPX and is better for smaller accounts. Read Eric's postings on the why.
Added a trade tracking log sheet. Records the time of the trade in UTC, which is how TD Ameritrade tracks it.
occasionally to tar the log files into a date based archive.
- No guarantees, this is not stock advice.
- I'm not responsible for any losses, but wouldn't mind if you shared some of the winnings :-)
2021-0803 - Added new Aug 2021 0dte rules, cleaned up common code, added BWB trade bot 2021-0809 - cleaned up common code, added order monitoring 2021-0810 - Added code to support distance or delta for spreads. Added 30dte on Tuesdays, Added support for XSP 2021-0830 - Added 60DTE trade, trade logging, and cron log clean up
Add log rotation - clean up log file weekly from cron jobs Add 120dte hedge strategy