Unfortunately, Trayful is no longer available on the AppStore. The final statistics for Trayful during its one year life on the AppStore are as follows:
- Units : 3.00K
- Sales : $73.19
- Ad-Revenue: $24.68
Trayful is a to-do application/task manager that aims to create a graphically pleasing user-interface and smooth user-experience while still maintaining function. Designed with the user in mind, Trayful implements easy-to-use interfaces complete with intuitive gestures and flush animations.
Trayful was developed completely programmatically in Swift 5.2
, which I prefer over storyboard as I find it much more controllable from an interface standpoint.
var storyboard = false
To view what was added, changed, or removed in each version of Trayful, please view the changelog.
This repository does not include the entire source code due to sensitive information.
Because of this, the source code will not provide an "out-of-the-box" download, as some files were excluded in an effort to protect sensitive information.