Tron.Net is a port in .NET standard of the Tron protocol
The latest stable release of the Tron.Net.Client available on NuGet
The latest stable release of the Tron.Net.Protocol available on NuGet
- You can download the Tron.Net.Client package, implement the
interface, and use the implementation of the different services avaiable:
-- IWallet
-- IWalletExtension
-- IWalletSolidity
- You can download the Tron.Net.Protocol and create your own library to interact with the Tron Network using the Tron.Net.Protocol.Api.Grpc generated clients
BouncyCastle is used as library to generate all hashes, the underlying decision on this is: it works, is fast, is reliable.
In order to create a new Address an ECKey must be created, make sure you store that, since at this moment there is no plan to provide a store for generated keys.
-- var address = WalletClient.MainNetWalletClient();
You can find in the tools folder 2 projects:
- Tron.Net.Client.NetCoreRunnerTest a simple dotnet core application that connects to a local node that contains an example with a JSON configuration
- Tron.Net.Client.Tron.Net.Client.NetFrameworkRunnerTest a simple dotnet framework 4.7 application that connects to a local node that contains an example with a configuration via AppSettings
Tron.Net.Client is built upon the premise of flexibility, so the following interfaces to configure timeouts and Options for the respective grpc calls can be customised:
-- IWalletCallConfiguration
-- IWalletExtensionCallConfiguration
-- IWalletSolidityClientCallConfiguration
If using a DI framework like Autofac with assembly discovery, make sure to override the registration of AllClientsDefaultCallConfiguration
which has a 10 seconds timeout by default
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