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A Primer to Kernel Lua

Guilherme Salazar edited this page May 21, 2016 · 19 revisions

This tutorial will cover how to get started with NetBSD kernel Lua. Let's get right into it.

I have uploaded two Vagrant boxes to Atlas; one of them with NetBSD7.0 and the other with -current (build 201604052050Z).

If you do not already have a NetBSD machine, follow 1) and 2) to get a working NetBSD Vagrant machine.

####1. Install Vagrant####

  • Debian-based GNU/Linux distros
    $ sudo apt-get install vagrant
  • Arch Linux
    $ sudo pacman -S vagrant

####2. Set up your environment####

$ cd ~/ ; mkdir kernel-lua ; cd kernel-lua
$ vagrant init salazar/netbsd-amd64-current; vagrant up --provider virtualbox

If all went well, you should now be able to ssh into your machine:

$ vagrant ssh

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