Bit 0
0 - Disable the module
1 - Enable the module
Other registers can be only modified when this bit is reset
Reset value: 0
Bit 3:1
000 - cosine
001 - sine
010 - tangent
011 - square wave
100 - triangular wave
101 - saw tooth wave
110 - Users' wave(disable DMA)
111 - Users' wave(Enable DMA)
Reset value: 000
Bit 15:0
Amplitude of output when in triangular wave, and saw tooth wave mode
Lowerbound of domain when in trigonometric function wave mode
Bit 15:0
Prescaler of input clock when in square wave, triangular wave, saw tooth wave, and Users' wave(Enable DMA)
Upperbound of domain when in trigonometric function wave mode
The upperbound smaller than the lowerbound is supported because of the periodicity.
The AXI-Stream IP core for calculating sin and cos
Replace BRAM to save the resource
Showoff understanding of AXI protocal