Table of Contents
Active Directory Federation Services provisioned autonomously on Cloud Provider, this project can be used for testing SSO login implementation scenarios, as well as production use (as long as the necessary security changes are made in the code).
Furthermore, the stack used shows the power of the combined IaC tools as well as the possibility to use them in Windows Server environments.
For more details about the project, see this article
- Free the firewall ports for WinRM (5985, 5986) and HTTP (80, 443) in GCP
- Make sure to set the project variables in, packer-adfs.json and powershell script, for your use
- Make sure you have installed the Packer, Terraform and Ansible binaries
- If you are going to use HTTPS (recommended) generate a certificate, put it in the scripts folder. Change config-adfs.ps1 with the password and the thumbprint of the certificate
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Run Packer Build
packer build ./packer-adfs.json
- Run Plan and Apply
terraform plan -out YourPlan.log && terraform apply "YourPlan.log"
- Take the IP at the end of the process and put in your DNS for HTTPS access
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
Distributed under the MIT License. See
for more information.
Gui Sousa - @Guira_kun
Project Link: