This collection contains Python snippets for data analytics. The goal is to provide a template to quickly get a preliminary overview of a new data set.
The Cleaning and EDA snippet contains code to perform basic checks, type conversion, data cleaning incl. imputation and outlier treatment, and exploratory data analysis (EDA).
flowchart LR
subgraph 1[1. Load and Check]
A[Load Data]--> B[Overview and Basic Checks] --> C[Type Conversion]
subgraph 2[2. Data Cleaning]
C--> D[Drop NaN and Duplicates]--> E[Imputation] --> F[Treatment of Outliers]
subgraph 3[3. Exploratory Data Analysis - EDA]
F--> G[Plotting univariate distributions]--> H[Plotting bivariate distributions]
The Ensemble methods snippet provides an example workflow to estimate different ensemble models. The snippet contains sections for 1) setting up a project, including the test-train split, 2) estimation of the models, 3) hyperparameter tuning, and 4) scoring.
flowchart LR
subgraph 1[1. Setup]
A[Imports]--> B[Test-Train Split]
subgraph 2[2. Estimation]
B--> C[Bagging]
B--> D[Gradient Boosting]
B--> E[Random Forest]
B--> F[...]
subgraph 3[3. Tuning]
E--> G[Grid Search]
D--> G
C--> G
F--> G
subgraph 4[4. Scoring]
G--> H[Accuracy, Recall, Precision, F1, ...]
To be continued...