Command line tool to deal with AWS deployment
You can directly use the binaries we provide. For OS X:
$ wget -O # sudo mv deploy-ecs /usr/local/bin/
Or for Unix:
$ wget -O # sudo mv deploy-ecs /usr/local/bin/
After that, the following command will be available in your PATH:
$ deploy-ecs --help
We have the following commands:
- config
- deploy
- env
- exec
- kill
- list-revisions
- logs
- ps
- rollback
- scale
- self-update
- task-definition
If you're inside of a git repository, deploy-ecs will get the service name from it, otherwise you need to use the -s|--service <service-name> flag. The service name can be the project name (e.g. dbmapping) or/and use --repository <url> (e.g. [email protected]:guilherme-santos/dbmapping.git).
You can deploy either a tag or a branch from git. This command will build a Docker image from this tag/branch, update the task definition of this service and restart the service to use this new version.
$ deploy-ecs deploy -s my-service --tag v1.2.3
You can force deploy a specific revision of this service, for example:
$ deploy-ecs deploy -s my-service --revision 13
You can also add some optional flags, for example:
- --rebuild: will ignore all docker cached layers you have and it'll build the image from scratch
- --wait: will wait until service is running and health
If for any reason you need to rollback the last deployed version, you can use this command. It's a shortcut to deploy-ecs deploy -s my-service --revision <N-1>:
$ deploy-ecs rollback -s my-service
You can get the all env vars configured to this service, to format as json use -json.
$ deploy-ecs env -s my-service --json
To update an env var, use -set, and to remove use -unset. A new task definition will be created:
$ deploy-ecs env -s my-service --set 'DATABASE_URL=localhost:3306' --set 'DATABASE_NAME=my_service'
To get env vars from a specific revision of a task definition, use the --revision flag.
You can use --deploy and --wait to deploy and wait service be health
You can get all attributes from the last task definition:
$ deploy-ecs task-definition -s my-service
To update an attribute without deploing this new version you can use -set:
$ deploy-ecs task-definition -s my-service --set 'entryPoint=["sh", "-c"]' --set 'command="echo hello world"'
To get the task definition from a specific revision, use the --revision flag.
You can use --deploy and --wait to deploy and wait service be health
You can list all revisions from a specific service:
$ deploy-ecs list-revisions -s my-service