Simulation of a P2P Cryptocurrency Network
You will need a build
directory, and cmake
and make
Do the following:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. && cmake --build .
$ ./crytpo-ns <config-file>
The executable takes in the path to a config file which contains the simulation parameters in the following format.
<#nodes> <Z> <Tx> <Tk> <Sim Time> <m> <adversary> <t>
- #node is the number of nodes
- Z is the % of slow nodes
- Tx is the mean transaction time.
- T_k is the mean of interarrival of blocks for the k-th node
- Sim Time is the simulation time
- m initial set size for Barabase-Albert Algorithm
- adversary is the type of adversary. We have implemented selfish and stubborn mining.
- t is the % of connections the adversary has with other nodes.
- C_i is the compute power of the ith node
In this case, the last node is the adversary
The executable takes in the path to a config file which contains the simulation parameters in the following format.
<#nodes> <Z> <Tx> <Sim Time> <m>
- #node is the number of nodes
- Z is the % of slow nodes
- Tx is the mean transaction time.
- Sim Time is the simulation time
- T_k is the mean of interarrival of blocks for the k-th node
- m initial set size for Barabase-Albert Algorithm
The time variables are in milliseconds.
For getting the logs and graphs, please make dumps
and dots
directorys in your working directory.
In the dumps
folder, the i-th peer will dump their trees at the end of the simulation in the file i.dump
A file named results.dump
will also be generated in dumps which will have the following information:
Peer ID,<ComutePower>,<peer's blocks>,<in longest chain>,<% in longest chain>,<orphans received>
In the dots
folder we generate .dot
files which are in the DOT LANGUAGE
, which can be used to visualize the trees.
Now, run the binary in the same directory. To see the results.