This plugin sends a HTTP/HTTPS request to a user speficied URL.
The following features are available in both Pipeline and traditional project types:
- Programmable HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, or HEAD
- Programmable range of expected response codes (a response code outside the range fails the build)
- Supports Basic Authentication (see global configuration)
- Supports From Authentication (see global configuration)
- You can specify a string that must be present in the response (if the string is not present, the build fails)
- You can set a connection timeout limit (build fails if timeout is exceeded)
- You can set an "Accept" header
- You can set a "Content-type" header
- You can set any custom header
The following features are only present in the non-pipeline version of the plugin. For the Pipeline version, these features are available programmatically.
- You can send the build parameters as URL query strings
- You can store the response to a file, built-in to the plugin
In a Pipeline job, you have total control over how the url is formed. Suppose you have a build parameter called "param1", you can pass it to the HTTP request programmatically like so:
httpRequest "${param1}"
If you wish to save the response to a file, you need to grab a
workspace. You can do this with a node
Pipeline step. For
def response = httpRequest "${param1}"
node() {
writeFile file: 'response.txt', text: response.content
You can access the response status code and content programmatically:
def response = httpRequest "${param1}"
println('Status: '+response.status)
println('Response: '+response.content)
You may also send content in the body of the request, such as for a PATCH request:
// create payload
def patchOrg = """
{"description": "$description"}
def response = httpRequest acceptType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', httpMode: 'PATCH', requestBody: patchOrg, url: "${orgName}"
You can also set custom headers:
def response = httpRequest customHeaders: [[name: 'foo', value: 'bar']]
For details on the Pipeline features, use the Pipeline snippet generator in the Pipeline job configuration.
- If Jenkins is restarted before the HTTP response comes back, the build will fail.