Releases: gunnartorfis/sonner-native
Releases · gunnartorfis/sonner-native
Release 0.16.2
0.16.2 (2024-12-10)
Bug Fixes
- let animation finish before hiding toasts (cf4ed8e)
Release 0.16.1
0.16.1 (2024-11-19)
Bug Fixes
- custom jsx component breaks animation (fab7d6f)
- render custom jsx in if block and use ToastSwipeHandler with memoized props (61e5ead)
Release 0.16.0-beta.0
Bug Fixes
- conditional full window overlay (d6f8990)
Release 0.15.0
0.15.0 (2024-10-04)
Bug Fixes
- added customizeable close button (98855df)
Release 0.14.2
0.14.2 (2024-09-22)
Bug Fixes
- add missing worklet directive (b5796de)
Release 0.14.1
0.14.1 (2024-09-20)
Bug Fixes
- close button press didn't trigger dismiss (d83a529)
Release 0.14.0
0.14.0 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes
- android action onclick (5e8a4b0)
- handle dismissible false with onPress (c10b936)
- wasn't applied (b13ea69)
- add onPress (102e092)
- toast.promise error option can be a callback fn or a string (89d0872)
Release 0.13.0
0.13.0 (2024-09-14)
Bug Fixes
- await the promise to be able to catch its error and render an error toast (671fb5d)
- bottom positioned toast should swipe down (6051c62)
- corrected typo in "swipeToDismissDirection" prop (f2c9788)
- renamed "ivertProps" to "invertProps" in "use-colors.ts" (411ecf2)