Python code for working with light curves of variable stars
pip install matplotlib pandas astropy requests
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [-v] [-l] [-s] [-c RA DEC] [-p PERIOD] [-e EPOCH] [-r MIN MAX] [-o] [-z] [-m] [-t PLOT] nickname [savedir]
is an alias of the object, optionally with the directory name. It is
used to search for files and assign names to data processing products.
set default directory for saving plots (optional).
The script will search for a settings file named nickname.json
in the
directory. It should not contain spaces.
-h, --help
show help message and exit-v, --verbose
be more verbose-l, --lines
draw lines on the light curve and phase plot to mark the epoch, maximum value, and max/min phase-s, --show
show interactive plots instead of saving figures-c RA DEC, --coord RA DEC
set the coordinates of the object in degrees-p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
set the period for phase plot in days-e EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH
set the epoch for phase plot in HJD-r MIN MAX, --ztfran MIN MAX
delete all ZTF data out of range-o, --localps
use local PS1 data instead of requesting it via the API-z, --zoom
use settings for zoomed plot-m, --model
draw a simple light curve model-t, --plot
what data to plot. Possible values are: zt ps as at cs ga og gd
python gusev4
python minkovskiy24 -l
To iterate over number of objects:
for nam in gusev4 minkovskiy17 minkovskiy24; do python $nam; done
for PowerShell:
ForEach ($nam in "gusev4", "minkovskiy17", "minkovskiy24") { python .\ $nam }
The settings for the object are located in a JSON file. sample.json contains most of the possible settings.
Basic settings for an object with
- ZTF,
- PS1,
- ASAS-3,
- Gaia DR3,
- GDS,
- SuperWASP,
- SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey,
- Hipparcos,
- CoRoT,
- Kepler,
- K2 photometry data available are:
"sample-nickname": {
"name": "ZTF19acdncga",
"other": "USNO-B1.0 1462-0437198, 2MASS J22470763+5617523, GSC2.3 N1CQ180004",
"coord": "22 47 07.629 +56 17 52.26",
"coordeg": [341.781789, 56.297849],
"gdr3": 2003952476707473152,
"epphot": false,
"tic": 343765322,
"max": 14.35,
"min": 14.93,
"min2": 14.78,
"system": "g",
"period": 24.8435,
"epoch": 2460161.091,
"2ndmin": 0.399,
"d": 0.016,
"d2": 0.019,
"ztfran": [15.0, 14.2], "ztflim": 0.05,
"atlasfnam": "sample-nickname-atlas.txt", "atlaslim": {"o": 0.013, "c": 0.017},
"asasfnam": "sample-nickname-asas.csv", "asaslim": {"V": 0.05, "g": 0.06},
"pslim": 0.1, "pslocal": false,
"gaiadr3fnam": "sample-nickname-gdr3.dat",
"crtsfnam": "sample-nickname-crts.csv", "crtslim": 0.06,
"oglefnam": "sample-nickname-ogle.dat",
"corotfnam": "cr1029-crt.dat",
"sdssfnam": "sample-nickname-sdss.dat",
"zcatf": "ri",
"curveshift": true,
"clrshift": {
"g": 0.3, "psg": 0.32, "r": 0, "psr": 0.01, "i": -0.1, "psi": -0.1, "I": 0.1,
"psz": -0.2, "psy": -0.3, "o": -0.05, "c": 0.1, "V": 0.3, "asasg": 0.7,
"G": 0.05, "CV": -0.1, "gr": 0.02, "gi": -0.1
"plot": {
"ztffilt": "gri", "psfilt": "grizy", "atlasfilt": "oc", "asasfilt": "gV", "gdsfilt": "r",
"atlasms": {"o": 2.8, "c": 2.8}, "atlaselw": 0.26, "atledgclr": "darkred",
"asasms": {"V": 3.5, "g": 3.5}, "asaselw": 0.26,
"zms": 4, "gms": 4, "psms": 6, "crtsms": 5,
"xmal": 500, "xmil": 100, "ymal": 0.1, "ymil": 0.01, "leg": "lower left",
"xlim": [-0.5, 1.0], "xedges": 90, "xlima": [56963, 60331],
"ylim": [14.7, 13.94], "ylima": [14.88, 13.8]
- Masci, F. J.; et al., 2019, The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive, ZTF DR23 query form
- Chambers, K. C.; et al., 2016, The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys
- Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0
- Pojmanski, G., 2002, The All Sky Automated Survey
- Tonry, J. L.; et al., 2018, ATLAS: A High-cadence All-sky Survey System
- Drake, A. J.; et al., 2009, Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
- Gaia collaboration; et al., 2022, Gaia Data Release 3 (Gaia DR3) Part 1 Main source
- Gaia Photometric Science Alerts
- Hackstein, M.; et al., 2015, The Bochum Survey of the Southern Galactic Disk: II. Follow-up measurements and multi-filter photometry for 1323 square degrees monitored in 2010 - 2015
- Butters, O. W.; et al., 2010, The first WASP public data release
- Burggraaff, O.; et al, 2018, Studying bright variable stars with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA)
Examples of light curves (presented in the VSX detail sheets)
- Gusev 4 settings, phase plot
- Minkovskiy 16 settings, phase plot
- GSC 02150-01562 phase plot
- UCAC3 170-058819 phase plot
- UCAC3 240-187355 phase plot
- UCAC3 248-199991 phase plot
- UCAC3 248-205306 phase plot
- USNO-B1.0 1534-0126575 phase plot
- USNO-B1.0 1534-0125222 phase plot, light curve
- ZTF19acdncga phase plot