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graceful workspaces
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hackartists committed Jan 7, 2024
1 parent e450b51 commit ee744df
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Showing 3 changed files with 116 additions and 124 deletions.
Binary file added bin/dns
Binary file not shown.
47 changes: 35 additions & 12 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,53 +1,70 @@

echo "Starting custom programs"
export GTK_IM_MODULE='ibus'
export QT_IM_MODULE='ibus'
export XMODIFIERS='@im=ibus'

# lxsession &
# setxkbmap dvorak &
# conky -c $HOME/.config/conky/xmonad.conkyrc

xset r rate 150 50
# xset r rate 150 30
# xset r rate 150 50
xset r rate 200 30
xset s off -dpms
# setterm -blank 0 -powerdown 0
setxkbmap -option caps:escape
sudo rmmod pcspkr
xrdb ~/.Xresources && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

ibus-daemon -drx --panel /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-gtk3 &
gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.engine.hangul use-event-forwarding false
ibus-daemon -drx --panel /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-gtk3 &
# sudo ~/.xmonad/bin/dns

/usr/lib/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd &
picom &
nm-applet &
pa-applet &
blueman-manager &
blueman-applet &
# blueman-manager &
# blueman-applet &
volumeicon &
greenclip daemon &

albert &
# albert &
copyq &

google-chrome-stable &
google-chrome-unstable &
google-chrome-beta &

emacs --name emacs-main &

slack &
whatsdesk --force-device-scale-factor=1.5 &
QT_IM_MODULE='ibus' telegram-desktop &
# discord &
chatall &

function im-uim {
QT_IM_MODULE='uim' GTK_IM_MODULE='uim' XMODIFIERS='@im=uim' $@

im-uim whatsdesk --force-device-scale-factor=1.5 &
telegram-desktop &

discord &
# yakyak&
# zoom&
# /opt/notifier/bin/notifier.AppImage&
# autokey-gtk &

mkdir -p ~/data/google-drive/biyard-admin ~/data/google-drive/biyard ~/data/google-drive/bylabs ~/data/google-drive/hackartist

mkdir -p ~/data/google-drive/biyard ~/data/google-drive/bylabs ~/data/google-drive/hackartist
function google_mount {

while true
rclone mount "$account:/" "$dir" --vfs-cache-mode full
rclone mount "$account:/" "$dir" --vfs-cache-mode full --drive-server-side-across-configs
google_mount biyard ~/data/google-drive/biyard &
Expand All @@ -63,9 +80,15 @@ function google_sync {
echo Starting syncing ${remote} into ${local}
while true
rclone -v bisync "$remote" "${local}" --drive-allow-import-name-change --resync
rclone -v bisync "$remote" "${local}" --drive-server-side-across-configs --resync # --drive-allow-import-name-change
# rclone -v bisync "$remote" "${local}" --exclude=/참고자료/** --drive-allow-import-name-change --resync
sleep 300

google_sync "bylabs:Design sources" "design-sources" &
# google_sync "biyard:Admin & Compliance" "biyard/admin" &
onedrive -m --syncdir ~/data/onedrive/hackartist --disable-notifications --display-sync-status&
# sshfs -o default_permissions server:/home/hackartist ~/data/server &
# wine "/home/hackartist/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Kakao/KakaoTalk/KakaoTalk.exe"
vmware &
193 changes: 81 additions & 112 deletions xmonad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ addCustomWSGroup n s0 s1 = addRawWSGroup n [(S 0, s0), (S 1, s1)]

myStartupHook :: X ()
myStartupHook = do
addCustomWSGroup "dev" "1" "2" -- "2"
addCustomWSGroup "vir" "1" "5" -- "6"
addCustomWSGroup "web-vir" "2" "5" -- "6"
addCustomWSGroup "chat" "1" "6" -- "6"
addCustomWSGroup "dev" ( head myWorkspaces ) ( myWorkspaces !! 1 ) -- "2"
addCustomWSGroup "vir" ( myWorkspaces !! 10 ) ( myWorkspaces !! 4 ) -- "6"
addCustomWSGroup "meet" ( myWorkspaces !! 6 ) ( myWorkspaces !! 1 ) -- "6"
addCustomWSGroup "chat" ( myWorkspaces !! 1 ) ( myWorkspaces !! 5 ) -- "6"
-- addCustomWSGroup "mtdv" "1:emacs" "7:meeting" "6:messenger"
-- addCustomWSGroup "mtht" "2:web" "7:meeting" "6:messenger"
-- addCustomWSGroup "test" "4:testing" "1:emacs" "2:web"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +488,8 @@ screenAction = makeAction 1 [
workspaceAction = makeAction 1 [
("(d)evelop", (0, xK_d), viewCenteredWSGroup "dev")
, ("(v)irtual-machine", (0, xK_v), viewCenteredWSGroup "vir")
, ("(w)eb-virtual", (0, xK_w), viewCenteredWSGroup "web-vir")
, ("(m)eet", (0, xK_m), viewCenteredWSGroup "meet")
, ("(c)hat", (0, xK_c), viewCenteredWSGroup "chat")
, ("(g)o to workspace", (0, xK_g), gridselectWorkspace wsconfig W.greedyView)
, ("(b)ring workspace", (0, xK_b), gridselectWorkspace wsconfig (\ws -> W.greedyView ws . W.shift ws))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,24 +540,26 @@ hotkeyAction = makeAction 0
, ("(/)file manager", (0, xK_slash), namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "ranger")
, ("(S)ystem", (shiftMask, xK_s), systemAction)
] ++ [
("("++num++"):"++ws++" workspace", (0, key), windows $ W.greedyView $ num++"")
("("++num++"):"++ws++" workspace", (0, key), windows $ W.greedyView $ num++":"++ws)
| (num, key, ws) <- myAllWorkspaces

-- Workspaces
myAllWorkspaces = [("1",xK_1,"emacs")
, ("2",xK_2,"web")
, ("3",xK_3,"debugging")
, ("4",xK_4,"testing")
, ("5",xK_5,"gamedev")
, ("6",xK_6,"messenger")
, ("7",xK_7,"meeting")
, ("3",xK_3,"dbg")
, ("4",xK_4,"test")
, ("5",xK_5,"vm")
, ("6",xK_6,"msg")
, ("7",xK_7,"meet")
, ("8",xK_8,"media")
, ("9",xK_9,"database")
, ("9",xK_9,"db")
, ("0",xK_0,"misc")
-- no hotkey
, ("",0,"vm-ext")

myWorkspaces = [ num++"" | (num,_,name) <- myAllWorkspaces]
myWorkspaces = [ num++":"++name | (num,_,name) <- myAllWorkspaces]

myWorkspaceIndices = M.fromList $ zip myWorkspaces [1..] -- (,) == \x y -> (x,y)

Expand All @@ -571,49 +574,52 @@ myManageHook = composeAll
-- I'm doing it this way because otherwise I would have to write out the full
-- name of my workspaces and the names would be very long if using clickable workspaces.
title =? "emacs-main" --> doShift "1"
, className =? "Google-chrome" --> doShift "2"
, title =? "Emulator" --> (doShift "3" <+> doFloat)
, title =? "Android Emulator - luffy:5554" --> doShift "3"
, title =? "Android Emulator - zoro:5556" --> doShift "3"
, className =? "chatall" --> doShift "3"
, className =? "Electron" --> doShift "3"
, className =? "kcachegrind" --> doShift "3"
, className =? "Wireshark" --> doShift "3"
, className =? "Stoplight Studio" --> doShift "4"
, className =? "Postman" --> doShift "4"
, className =? "libreoffice" --> doShift "4"
, className =? "unityhub" --> doShift "5"
, className =? "vmware" --> doShift "5"
, className =? "Vmware" --> doShift "5"
, className =? "zoom" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "Slack" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "whatsdesk" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "discord" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "TelegramDesktop" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "yakyak" --> doShift "6"
, title =? "WhatsApp" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "Whatsapp-for-linux" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "Gitter" --> doShift "6"
, className =? "qtwaw" --> doShift "6"
title =? "emacs-main" --> doShift ( head myWorkspaces )
, className =? "Google-chrome" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 1 )
, title =? "Emulator" --> (doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 ) <+> doFloat)
, title =? "Android Emulator - luffy:5554" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, title =? "Android Emulator - zoro:5556" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, className =? "chatall" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, className =? "Electron" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, className =? "kcachegrind" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, className =? "Wireshark" --> doShift ( myWorkspaces !! 2 )
, className =? "Stoplight Studio" --> doShift "4:test"
, className =? "Postman" --> doShift "4:test"
, className =? "libreoffice" --> doShift "4:test"
, className =? "dolphin" --> doShift "4:test"
, className =? "unityhub" --> doShift "5:vm"
, className =? "vmware" --> (doShift "5:vm" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "Vmware" --> (doShift "5:vm" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "zoom" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "Slack" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "whatsdesk" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "discord" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "TelegramDesktop" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "yakyak" --> doShift "6:msg"
, title =? "WhatsApp" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "Whatsapp-for-linux" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "Gitter" --> doShift "6:msg"
, className =? "qtwaw" --> doShift "6:msg"
, title =? "win11 on QEMU/KVM" --> doShift "7"
, className =? "Google-chrome-unstable" --> doShift "7"
, className =? "Google-chrome-beta" --> doShift "7"
, className =? "obs" --> doShift "8"
, className =? "kdenlive" --> doShift "8"
, className =? "SimpleScreenRecorder" --> doShift "8"
, resource =? "mysql-workbench-bin" --> doShift "9"
, title =? "MongoDB Compass" --> doShift "9"
, className =? "google-chrome-unstable" --> doShift "7:meet"
, className =? "Google-chrome-unstable" --> doShift "7:meet"
, className =? "google-chrome-beta" --> doShift "7:meet"
, className =? "Google-chrome-beta" --> doShift "7:meet"
, className =? "obs" --> doShift "8:media"
, className =? "kdenlive" --> doShift "8:media"
, className =? "SimpleScreenRecorder" --> doShift "8:media"
, resource =? "mysql-workbench-bin" --> doShift "9:db"
, title =? "MongoDB Compass" --> doShift "9:db"
, title =? "NoiseTorch" --> doShift "0:misc"
, className =? "Blueman-manager" --> doShift "0"
-- , className =? "scrcpy" --> (doShift "0" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "libreoffice-writer" --> doShift "0"
-- , className =? "kakaotalk.exe" --> (doShift "0" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "VirtualBox Manager" --> doShift "0"
, className =? "PulseUI" --> doShift "0"
, className =? "org.remmina.Remmina" --> doShift "0"
, className =? "Virt-manager" --> doShift "0"
, title =? "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" --> doShift "0"
, className =? "Blueman-manager" --> doShift "0:misc"
-- , className =? "scrcpy" --> (doShift "0:misc" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "libreoffice-writer" --> doShift "0:misc"
-- , className =? "kakaotalk.exe" --> (doShift "0:misc" <+> doFloat)
, className =? "VirtualBox Manager" --> doShift "0:misc"
, className =? "PulseUI" --> doShift "0:misc"
, className =? "org.remmina.Remmina" --> doShift "0:misc"
, className =? "Virt-manager" --> doShift "0:misc"
, title =? "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" --> doShift "0:misc"
-- , className =? "Org.gnome.Nautilus" --> doFloat
, className =? "Gimp-2.10" --> doCenterFloat
, resource =? "gpicview" --> doCenterFloat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,70 +677,33 @@ toggleFloat w = windows (\s -> if M.member w (W.floating s)

myAdditionalKeys :: [(String, X ())]
myAdditionalKeys =
[ -- ("M-C-r", spawn "xmonad --recompile") -- Recompiles xmonad
("M-C-q", kill) -- Quits xmonad
("M-C-q", kill)
, ("C-<Space>", hotkeyAction)

-- , ("C-q", kill) -- Kill the currently focused client
-- , ("M-S-a", killAll) -- Kill all windows on current workspace

, ("M-C-h", sendMessage Shrink) -- Shrink horiz window width
, ("M-C-l", sendMessage Expand) -- Expand horiz window width
, ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink) -- Shrink vert window width
, ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand) -- Expand vert window width
, ("M-C-h", sendMessage Shrink)
, ("M-C-l", sendMessage Expand)
, ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink)
, ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand)

-- Increase/decrease spacing (gaps)
, ("C-M1-j", decWindowSpacing 4) -- Decrease window spacing
, ("C-M1-k", incWindowSpacing 4) -- Increase window spacing
, ("C-M1-h", decScreenSpacing 4) -- Decrease screen spacing
, ("C-M1-l", incScreenSpacing 4) -- Increase screen spacing
, ("C-M1-j", decWindowSpacing 4)
, ("C-M1-k", incWindowSpacing 4)
, ("C-M1-h", decScreenSpacing 4)
, ("C-M1-l", incScreenSpacing 4)

, ("M-<Tab>", windows W.focusDown)
, ("M-S-<Tab>", windows W.focusUp)
-- Increase/decrease windows in the master pane or the stack
-- , ("M-S-<Up>", sendMessage (IncMasterN 1)) -- Increase # of clients master pane
-- , ("M-S-<Down>", sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1))) -- Decrease # of clients master pane
-- , ("M-C-<Up>", increaseLimit) -- Increase # of windows
-- , ("M-C-<Down>", decreaseLimit) -- Decrease # of windows

-- Sublayouts
-- This is used to push windows to tabbed sublayouts, or pull them out of it.
-- , ("M-C-h", sendMessage $ pullGroup L)
-- , ("M-C-l", sendMessage $ pullGroup R)
-- , ("M-C-k", sendMessage $ pullGroup U)
-- , ("M-C-j", sendMessage $ pullGroup D)

-- Scratchpads
-- Toggle show/hide these programs. They run on a hidden workspace.
-- When you toggle them to show, it brings them to your current workspace.
-- Toggle them to hide and it sends them back to hidden workspace (NSP).
-- , ("C-s t", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "terminal")
-- , ("C-s m", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "mocp")
-- , ("C-s c", namedScratchpadAction myScratchPads "calculator")

-- Set wallpaper with 'feh'. Type 'SUPER+F1' to launch sxiv in the wallpapers directory.
-- Then in sxiv, type 'C-x w' to set the wallpaper that you choose.
-- , ("M-<F1>", spawn "sxiv -r -q -t -o ~/wallpapers/*")
-- , ("M-<F2>", spawn "/bin/ls ~/wallpapers | shuf -n 1 | xargs xwallpaper --stretch")
--, ("M-<F2>", spawn "feh --randomize --bg-fill ~/wallpapers/*")

-- Emacs (CTRL-e followed by a key)
-- , ("C-e e", spawn myEmacs) -- start emacs

-- Multimedia Keys
, ("<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn (myTerminal ++ "mocp --play"))
, ("<XF86AudioPrev>", spawn (myTerminal ++ "mocp --previous"))
, ("<XF86AudioNext>", spawn (myTerminal ++ "mocp --next"))
, ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer set Master toggle")
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 5%- unmute")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 5%+ unmute")
, ("<XF86HomePage>", spawn "qutebrowser")
, ("<XF86Search>", spawn "dmsearch")
, ("<XF86Mail>", runOrRaise "thunderbird" (resource =? "thunderbird"))
, ("<XF86Calculator>", runOrRaise "qalculate-gtk" (resource =? "qalculate-gtk"))
, ("<XF86Eject>", spawn "toggleeject")
, ("<Print>", spawn "dmscrot")

, ("C-M1-S-1", windows $ W.greedyView (head myWorkspaces))
, ("C-M1-S-2", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 1))
, ("C-M1-S-3", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 2))
, ("C-M1-S-4", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 3))
, ("C-M1-S-5", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 4))
, ("C-M1-S-6", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 5))
, ("C-M1-S-7", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 6))
, ("C-M1-S-8", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 7))
, ("C-M1-S-9", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 8))
, ("C-M1-S-0", windows $ W.greedyView (myWorkspaces !! 9))
where nonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> W.tag ws /= "NSP"))
nonEmptyNonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> isJust (W.stack ws) && W.tag ws /= "NSP"))
Expand Down

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