Seafile Server 5.1.2 for Raspberry Pi
5.1.2 (2016.05.13)
- [fix] Fix group rename
- [fix] Fix group transfer
- Send notifications to members when a new library is shared to a group
- Download multiple selected files from Seahub as a ZIP-file
- Use seafile-data/http-temp to store zip file when downloading a dir
- [UI] Remember the expanded status of groups in the left hand nav bar
- [accessibility] Improve accessiblity of library trash/history page by making links for operations selectable by tab.
- [accessibility] Improve accessiblity of dialogs, add missing labelledby properties for the whole dialog.
- [accessibility] Improve file/folder upload menu
- list all devices in admin panel
- Add syslog support for seafile.log
Older Server ChangeLog here