Are you tired of writing a lot of code to register all the things of minecraft?
With this little library, you will be able to register in an easier way.
Add the Modrinth's Maven Repository in build.gradle:
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Modrinth'
url = ''
content {
includeGroup 'maven.modrinth'
Then add the mod implementation, still in build.gradle:
//other dependencies
Then add the version variable in Replace the version below by the version of the lib you want:
Create an instance of the RegistryHelper class. This instance will allow you to register for a registry type.
public class ModItems {
private static final RegistryHelper<Item> registryHelper=new RegistryHelper<>(Registries.ITEM,ExampleMod.MOD_ID);
public static final Item EXAMPLE_ITEM= registryHelper.register("name",new Item(new Item.Settings()));
public static void init(){