This is a Linux port of the Tektronix Plot 10 graphics library written in Fortran.
The source code is downloaded from to the folder plot10 and slightly modified to more easily be compiled with gfortran.
There are two simple test programs that show its output on a xterm terminal emulating tek4014. The terminal is started with the command: "xterm -t -tn tek4014" In this terminal window the command: "stty raw" is executed (not sure if this is needed but maybe some output characters may be changed otherwise).
Then the graphic program is started:
- "./plottest" shows two triangles
- "./triangles" shows two triangles in different sizes
There is also a copy of Plot 10 code in the folder plot10_z80 that I ported a long time ago to the Z80 CPU on the Zilog RIO operating system. This code is not tested as I have not had access to a Z80 RIO system for a looong time now. (If someone knows where to find the RIO code, please send me info.)