- Python 3.8
- Serial port access, for Ubuntu current user needs to be in dialout group
- Feetech SCS or STS servos.
For Ubuntu:
git clone https://github.com/hansonrobotics/servo_experiments
cd servo_expriments
python3.8 -m venv .venv --python /usr/bin/python3.8
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Pings all available servos on multiple boards connected
./ping.py --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hardware_regex HARDWARE_REGEX
Serial port filter for detecting multiple boards (default: 1A86:7523)
--baud BAUD Baudrate (default: 1000000)
--from_id FROM_ID From ID (default: 0)
--to_id TO_ID To ID (default: 110)
--json JSON Output as JSON (default: False)
--find_any FIND_ANY If True, will print motor ID and return immediatly
after found, if none servo found it will fail with
exit code 1 (default: False)
./ping.py --from_id 80 --to_id 90
{'/dev/ttyUSB0': [(83, 6662)]}
Where device port is /dev/ttyUSB0
and 83
is servo ID and 6662
internal servo model.
Allows to read and write registers to the servo
./rw.py --help
usage: rw.py [-h] [--hardware_regex HARDWARE_REGEX] [--baud BAUD] [--protocol PROTOCOL] --id ID [--addr ADDR] [--length {1,2}] [--negative_bit NEGATIVE_BIT] [--write WRITE]
[--action {reset_neutral,load,id}] [--repeat [REPEAT]] [--lock [LOCK]]
Read Write Feetech registers
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hardware_regex HARDWARE_REGEX
Serial port filter for detecting multiple boards or specify single board (default: 1A86:7523)
--baud BAUD Baudrate (default: 1000000)
--protocol PROTOCOL, -p PROTOCOL
SCS Protocol (default: 0)
--id ID, -i ID Servo ID (default: None)
--addr ADDR, -a ADDR Register (default: None)
--length {1,2}, -l {1,2}
Address length in bytes (default: None)
--negative_bit NEGATIVE_BIT, -n NEGATIVE_BIT
Negative sign bit for this register (default: None)
--write WRITE, -w WRITE
Data to write in the decimal format (default: None)
--action {reset_neutral,load,id}, -c {reset_neutral,load,id}
Defined actions such as set (default: None)
--repeat [REPEAT], -r [REPEAT]
Keep reading the register until the CTRL+C pressed (default: None)
--lock [LOCK], -x [LOCK]
Specify Lock register for permanent saves. The Lock will be unlocked for writing if specified (default: None). if specified it will try get set 55 addr, however can specify other addres if need (48 for some older servos)
Examples: Writes goal_position:
./rw.py --id 3 --addr 42 --length 2 --write 1000
Resets servo to neutral:
./rw.py --id 3 --action reset_neutral
Reads present position:
./rw.py --id 3 --addr 56 --length 2
Measures the time it takes for servo to move from one position to another Usage:
./meassure.py --help
usage: meassure.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--baud BAUD] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--id ID] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--goback GOBACK] [--title TITLE] [--percieved PERCIEVED]
Meassure servo speed based on feedback
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT Serial port (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
--baud BAUD Baudrate (default: 1000000)
--protocol PROTOCOL SCS Protocol (default: 0)
--id ID Servo ID (default: 1)
--from FROM From Position (default: 500)
--to TO To Position (default: 1000)
--goback GOBACK Meassures time to get back to initial position as well (default: False)
--title TITLE Title for graph (default: Servo Position)
--percieved PERCIEVED
Remove first n percent of movement, to show percieved stats (default: 0)
./meassure.py --id 1 --protocol 0 --from 300 --to 910 --goback true --percieved 5