Usage: There are four existed sheets, Subject, NameList, BodyList, and ErroList. In Subject:
- The second cell in A column is the subject of the mail
- The second cell in B column is the switch of sending mail automatically. (==1, auto send. ==0 display mail) In NameList:
- The first cell of each column is the title. Input data are from the second row.
- Names are stored in A column
- their mail addresses are stored in B column
- Tags are stored in C column
- Send the mail automatically In Body:
- The first cell of each column is the title. Input data are from the second row.
- Tags are stored in A column
- Body are stored in B column
- SenderDate are stored in C column
- If "END" appears in a cell of A column, it means the body list is end Body and Sender and Date in the mail Auto mail bot:
- The mail context should be selected from "BodyList" by matching tags.
- If there is no matching tag, please generate a new sheet, ErrorList, and copy the wrong row to the ErrorList. The first cell of each column is the title. Errors are stored from the second row.
- The context of mail: Hello Name, body Best, SenderDate