This is a small demo of how to transform a simple single-server RocksDB service into a distributed version using OmniPaxos.
Related resources:
We used the following:
- Docker v.4.19.0 (for demo)
- Rust 1.71.0 (for development)
Build images and start containers in detached mode:
$ docker compose up --build -d
(Note: Running this command for the first time can take a couple of minutes)
Attach to the client (network-actor
) to send requests to the cluster:
$ docker attach network-actor
Example network-actor CLI command:
Type a command here <put/delete/get> <args>: put a 1
Asks the cluster to write { key: "a", value: "1" }.
To send a command to a specific server, include its port at the end of the command e.g.,
get a 8001
Reads the value associated with "a" from server s1
listening on port 8001.
(Make sure to git checkout single-server
branch before running docker compose)
- Propose some commands from client.
- In another terminal, kill the server:
$ docker kill s1
- In the client terminal, try sending commands again. No command succeeds because the only server is down.
(Make sure to git checkout omnipaxos-replicated
branch before running docker compose)
- Attach to a majority of the servers to observe the OmniPaxos log:
$ docker attach s2
$ docker attach s3
- Repeat steps 1-3 from Demo 0 (kill
). This time, in step 3, the commands should still be successful because we still have a majority of servers running (s2
). - Simulate disconnection between the remaining servers by pausing
$ docker pause s2
- Propose commands.
will not be successful regardless of which server receives them because they cannot get committed in the log without being replicated by a majority. However,Get
s froms3
still works since it's still running. - Propose multiple values to the same key at both servers, e.g.,
put a 2 8002
put a 3 8003
- Unpause
and see on the servers' terminals that the concurrent modifications are ordered identically in to the OmniPaxos log.
$ docker unpause s2
(Make sure to git checkout omnipaxos-snapshot
branch before running docker compose)
- Attach to one of the servers e.g.,
to observe the OmniPaxos log:
$ docker attach s3
- Propose 5 commands from the client and see how the entries get squashed into one snapshotted entry on the server. Propose 5 more commands to see the 5 new entries get snapshotted and merged with the old snapshot.