Also known as an "engine order telegraph", a chadburn is a device used by a ship's (or submarine's) pilot to communicate orders to engineers in the engine room.
Like using a chadburn to tell the engineers how fast the boat needs to go, this library allows you (the pilot) to communicate with NetworkManager and ModemManager (the engineers) to adjust your network configuration (the engine). The overall structure of this library is just an abstraction on the DBus APIs for both NetworkManager and ModemManager, with a few quality of life features to handle some common use cases all on their own.
Huge credit goes to Bailey Blankenship at Dropworks and anyone else who contributed to this project, as their work provided an awesome base to branch off from.
Using chadburn requires you to fulfill the installation requirements for node-dbus, which in short (for linux systems) is node-gyp
, libdbus-1-dev
, and libglib2.0-dev
. Then simply run:
npm install chadburn
and you should be good to go!
More detailed documentation generated from Typedoc can be found at docs/index.html
within the project repository, or at
Additionally you can take a look at the offiical dbus documentation for NetworkManager and ModemManager for specifications on the data you're getting out of Chadburn. A lot of the Typedoc documentation replicates the official documentation for these services, but may not reflect the specific version of NetworkManager or ModemManager you have installed on your system.
This current version of chadburn uses a mostly unchanged version of networkmanager-dbus, with support for ModemManager added on. The ModemManager portion has been developed primarily for data retrieval, rather than command and control.
First thing to note before getting too far into a project with chadburn is that having multiple instances of the dbus system bus causes lots of issues, usually errors. Chadburn maintains static singleton instances of it's manager objects that can be retrieved after their creation, but keep in mind that if you structure your code so that it would force multiple dbus client instances then you're going to run into issues.
Basic example
const dbus = require('dbus');
import { NetworkManager, ModemManager } from 'chadburn';
const bus = dbus.getBus('system');
const network_manager = await NetworkManager.init(bus);
const modem_manager = await ModemManager.init(bus);
const dbus = require('dbus');
import { NetworkManager } from 'chadburn';
const bus = dbus.getBus('system');
const network_manager = await NetworkManager.init(bus);
// Retrieve current properties from manager object
// the properties object will continuously update as state changes
//and can also be subscribed to as an RxJS object$.subscribe(properties => {
// filter through properties, listen for changes, etc
// Retrieve an array of ethernet devices
let eth_devices = await network_manager.ethernetDevices();
// Retrieve an array of wifi devices
let wifi_devices = await network_manager.wifiDevices();
const dbus = require('dbus');
import { ModemManager, ModemManagerTypes } from 'chadburn';
const bus = dbus.getBus('system');
const modem_manager = await ModemManager.init(bus);
// Retrieve current properties from manager object
// the properties object will continuously update as state changes
// Its also presented as an RxJS object under the name "properties$"$.subscribe(properties => {
// filter through properties, listen for changes, etc
// Retrieve a map of Modems, organized by dbus object path
'/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0': modem object,
'/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/1': modem object
let modems = modem_manager.modems;
// Alternatively, retrieve a modem by its object index
// This gets /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
let modem0 = modem_manager.getModem(0);
Modem interface
// Retrieve Modem data
// Retreive human readable Modem data
// Retrieve SIM data for the modem
// Retrieve Bearer data for the modem
// *Requires root authentication*
// *Requires ModemManager to be running in debug mode*
// Send an AT command to the modem
Modem3gpp interface
let modem03gpp = await modem0.getModem3gpp();
// Retrieve Modem3gpp data
// Configure initial EPS bearer
// allows you to set any of the 3GPP specific options found here
modem03gpp.setInitialEpsBearerSettings({apn: 'yourapnhere'});
Location interface
let ModemLocationSource = chadburn.ModemManagerTypes.ModemLocationSource;
let modem0location = await modem0.getLocation();
// Retrieve Location data
// Configure the modems location service(s)
// First create a bitmask of location services to attempt to enable on the device
let sources = ModemLocationSource.MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_3GPP_LAC_CI + ModemLocationSource.MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_GPS_RAW;
await modem0location.setup(sources, true);
// Retrieve currently available location data (should be the same as
let location = await modem0location.getLocation();
Advanced Signal interface
let modem0signal = await modem0.getAdvancedSignal();
// Retrieve signal data
// Setup polling rate in seconds, 0 to disable
await modem0signal.setupPolling(10);
// Available in ModemManager 1.20.0, setup value threshold for RSSI measurements for updates, 0 to disable
await modem0signal.setupThreshold(15);
If you want to run the testing scripts, you'll need to install python-dbusmock by Martin Pitt. A template for modemmanager along with a modification to the source file can be found under test/python-dbusmock
(at time of writing, python-dbusmock strips away the XML delcaration and dbus headers from object introspections, which causes node-dbus to error out, the modified fixes that).
python-dbusmock is licensed under LGPL-3.0. The modification provided in this repository maintains that license.
If you clone python-dbusmock into test/dbusmock-git/python-dbusmock
, then you can simply run the tests by navigating to the root folder of chadburn, and building the testing container with
docker build -t chadburn-test .
and then
docker run chadburn-test
or you can start up python-dbusmock on your own and kick off the tests with npm run test
In order to run the tests this way you'll need ModemManager and NetworkManager to be disabled before starting python-dbusmock, the dbus daemon won't allow the mock service to override a service that's already been registered.