npm install @buxlabs/amd-to-es6
If you'd like to use it in the cli consider installing globally or use npx
npm install -g @buxlabs/amd-to-es6
Convert a single file with:
amdtoes6 app.js > app-es6.js
Convert multiple files in given dir with:
amdtoes6 --src=src --dest=build
Convert multiple files in given dir recursively with:
amdtoes6 --src=src --dest=build --glob=**/*.js
Convert multiple files and replace them with:
amdtoes6 --src=src --replace
Convert a single file with:
const amdtoes6 = require('@buxlabs/amd-to-es6');
const source = 'define({ hello: 'world' });';
const result = amdtoes6(source); // export default { hello: 'world' };
], function (View, template) {
'use strict';
return View.extend({
template: template
import View from 'core/view';
import template from 'subapp/hello/template/layout';
export default View.extend({
template: template
define(function (require) {
'use strict';
var Marionette = require('marionette');
return Marionette.Object.extend({
initialize: function () {
console.log('hello world');
import Marionette from 'marionette';
export default Marionette.Object.extend({
initialize: function () {
console.log('hello world');
There are more examples in the test/fixture directory
Usage: amdtoes6 [options]
-s, --src <dirname> Directory of the source files
-d, --dest <dirname> Directory of the destination files
-g, --glob [glob] Glob pattern for the src to match for input files
-r, --recursive Set glob pattern to **/*.js with no hassle
-b, --beautify Beautify the output
--replace Replace the input files with results
--suffix <string> Replace suffix of the files
--quotes Single, double or auto quotes in the output
--comments Basic comments, copy them to the top of the output file