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Releases: hashicorp/design-system

@hashicorp/[email protected]

05 Mar 19:16
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4.17.1 documentation

Minor Changes

Tag - Truncated any text that is longer than about 20 characters, and added a tooltip with the full text when truncation occurs

Tag - Added @tooltipPlacement argument


MaskedInput - Added support for externally controlled content masking


Badge - Updated foreground and background colors to improve contrast for a11y

BadgeCount - Updated foreground color of neutral variant to improve contrast for a11y


CodeBlock - Added @copyButtonText argument to CodeBlock and @text argument to the CodeBlock::CopyButton subcomponent to customize the aria-label of the Copy Button. The default label is still "Copy".

CodeEditor - Added @copyButtonText argument to customize the aria-label of the Copy Button. The default label is still "Copy".


hds-code-editor modifier - Added language syntax highlighting support for JavaScript and Rego

CodeEditor - Added language syntax highlighting support for JavaScript and Rego

Dependencies - added @codemirror/lang-javascript


Time - Updated visual style to display a dotted underline when the hasTooltip argument is true

RichTooltip - Fixed Safari bug causing the dotted underline style not to display


hds-code-editor modifier - Added hasLineWrapping named argument that sets line wrapping behavior within the code editor.

CodeEditor - Added @hasLineWrapping argument that is passed to the hds-code-editor modifier


Patch Changes

Time - Fixed type declarations

CodeEditor - Added missing @lezer/highlight dependency

#2700 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

hds-tooltip - Changed structure of tooltip content to add a wrapper that is always in the DOM and set aria-controls on trigger elements for a11y improvements with toggled content

Tooltip - Changed structure of tooltip content to add a wrapper that is always in the DOM and set aria-controls on button for a11y improvements with toggled content


CopyButton - Fixed issue preventing copying of empty string and zero number values

CopySnippet - Fixed issue preventing copying of empty string and zero number values


CodeEditor - Fixed import path for HdsCodeEditorModifierSignature


Swapped unmaintained ember-composable-helpers with @nullvoxpopuli/ember-composable-helpers

#2493 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

Migrated our tooling from yarn to pnpm and updated our JavaScript compiler configuration

Updated decorator-transforms from 1.2.1 to 2.3.0

#2671 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

AdvancedTable - Refactored keyboard navigation to a new modifier hds-advanced-table-cell for reusability, and disabled default behavior for arrow keys in focused cells.


Table - Removed unused updateAriaLabel function and event listener


Tooltip - Removed style import from Tippy.js, copied arrow positioning styles into component styles


@hashicorp/[email protected]

23 Jan 23:47
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Minor Changes

confluence and confluence-color icons added.


@hashicorp/[email protected]

23 Jan 23:47
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Minor Changes

Added global tokens for border radius


@hashicorp/[email protected]

23 Jan 23:47
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4.16.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Table - Updated the visual design of Table cells by adding borders, making them more distinguishable when spanning rows or columns.


Added global tokens for border radius


CodeEditor - Added new CodeMirror 6 supported code editor component

hds-code-editor modifier - Added new code editor modifier which converts the element it is applied to into a CodeMirror 6 code editor


SuperSelect - Added searchFieldPosition="before-options" to fix a11y issue in Multiple component


AdvancedTable - Added AdvancedTable component and related sub-components

Add tabbable as a dependency.


Patch Changes

Upgraded the following dependencies:

  • @ember/render-modifiers from 2.0.5 to 2.1.0
  • @ember/addon-shim from 1.8.7 to 1.9.0
  • clipboard-polyfill from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
  • decorator-transforms from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1
  • ember-a11y-refocus from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
  • ember-element-helper from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6
  • ember-focus-trap from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
  • ember-modifier from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
  • ember-power-select from 8.2.0 to 8.6.2
  • sass from 1.69.5 to 1.83.0


Table - Fixed the aria-labels for select row and select all checkboxes so they do not change based on the state of the checkbox.


Breadcrumb - Implemented aria-controls in Breadcrumb::Truncation for a11y improvements with toggled content from PopoverPrimitive

Dropdown - Implemented aria-controls in Dropdown::Toggle::Button for a11y improvements with toggled content from PopoverPrimitive

PopoverPrimitive - Implemented aria-controls in toggle element for a11y improvements with toggled content

RichTooltip - Removed explicitly setting aria-controls in RichTooltip::Toggle as it is now set through the PopoverPrimitive


Tabs - Implement aria-controls in tab for a11y improvements with toggled content


Shifted our supported version of Node.js from 16* || >= 18 to >=18


Dropdown - Fixed z-index bug which caused the focus ring of the toggle icon to not be visible when the component was nested in a container.


🔄 Updated dependencies:

@hashicorp/[email protected]

23 Jan 23:47
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Patch Changes

Shifted our supported version of Node.js from 16* || >= 18 to >=18


@hashicorp/[email protected]

13 Dec 20:53
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Minor Changes

Postgres service icon added.


@hashicorp/[email protected]

13 Dec 20:53
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Patch Changes

Upgraded style-dictionary to 4.2.0


@hashicorp/[email protected]

13 Dec 20:53
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4.15.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Time - Added Time component, Time service, and related libraries including:

  • luxon (2.x or 3.x)
  • ember-concurrency (4.x)


Table - Exposed the index of the @each loop over the @model as rowIndex


Patch Changes

Dropdown - Fixed an issue with the ToggleIcon to make the focus ring visible on mouse click


PageHeader - Fixed issue with extra space below title when no metadata is present


Alert - Removed default color applied to the hds-alert__text container (text color is applied via @color argument)


Dropdown, RichTooltip - Fixed ResizeObserver-related errors in tests

Upgraded @floating-ui/dom to 1.6.12


Fixed deprecated Sass syntax (map-get replaced with map.get and @import with @use)


IconTile - Updated visual design of IconTile to make it distinguishable from secondary IconButton.


Aligned private properties of the HDS modifiers to follow a standardized notation

  • hds-anchored-position
  • hds-register-event
  • hds-tooltip


Aligned private class properties to follow a standardized notation

  • Accordion
  • Alert
  • AppHeader
  • AppSideNav
  • CodeBlock
  • Copy::Button
  • Copy::Snippet
  • DisclosurePrimitive
  • Dropdown
  • Flyout
  • Form::SuperSelect
  • Form::TextInput
  • Icon
  • Modal
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • PopoverPrimitive
  • Reveal
  • Table
  • Tabs


🔄 Updated dependencies:

@hashicorp/[email protected]

13 Dec 20:53
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Minor Changes

Update v4/dropdown-list-item-interactive codemod to successfully parse nested content blocks such as conditionals


@hashicorp/[email protected]

06 Nov 17:20
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4.14.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Dropdown - Added @matchToggleWidth argument


hds-clipboard - Added clipboard-polyfill to support product usage in non-secure environments; this impacts Copy::Button, Copy::Snippet, CodeBlock, and MaskedInput


Patch Changes

SideNav - Made a11y related improvements including:

  • Changed List::Title to h3 & added visually hidden h2 to AppSideNav
  • Replaced aria-label for ToggleButton with aria-labelledby and aria-expanded


Fixed instances where arguments are passed into tracked properties at declaration:

  • MaskedInput
  • TextInput
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • SideNav
  • Table
  • Table::ThSelectable
  • Tabs


SideNav - Fixed bug with hidden panels sometimes causing unnecessary overflow scrolling


Dropdown - Fixed the height of the chevron in ToggleButton
