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@lukel97 lukel97 released this 03 Nov 00:37
· 857 commits to master since this release is a major rework with both internal and external facing changes, and
will require manual migration.

  • The package has been renamed from haskell-lsp to lsp, and similarly for haskell-lsp-types to lsp-types
    • Because of this, all modules are now exported from Language.LSP.X rather than Language.Haskell.X.
  • Both lsp and lsp-types have been reworked to be much more type safe
  • The 3.15 specification should be fully supported now. If you find anything in
    the specification that isn't in lsp-types, please let us know
  • The Capture module has been removed as it will be reworked later on and moved to lsp-test
  • lsp can now handle dynamic registration through the registerCapability and
    unregisterCapability functions

Type safety

There are three types of concrete messages, NotificationMessage,
RequestMessage and ResponseMessage. They are parameterised by their
Method, which determines what type their parameters or response result must be.

data RequestMessage (m :: Method f Request) = RequestMessage
    { _jsonrpc :: Text
    , _id      :: LspId m
    , _method  :: SMethod m
    , _params  :: MessageParams m

A Method in turn is parameterised by whether it originates from the client or
the server, and whether it is used for notifications or requests:

TextDocumentFoldingRange           :: Method FromClient Request
TextDocumentSelectionRange         :: Method FromClient Request
WindowShowMessage                  :: Method FromServer Notification
WindowShowMessageRequest           :: Method FromServer Request

Each Method also has a singleton counterpart which allows it to be used at the
term level, for example in RequestMessage._method:

STextDocumentFoldingRange           :: SMethod TextDocumentFoldingRange
STextDocumentSelectionRange         :: SMethod TextDocumentSelectionRange

SWindowShowMessage                  :: SMethod WindowShowMessage
SWindowShowMessageRequest           :: SMethod WindowShowMessageRequest

The type families MessageParams and ResponseResult map each Method to the
appropriate type to be used in a response:

ResponseResult TextDocumentRename            = WorkspaceEdit
ResponseResult TextDocumentPrepareRename     = Range |? RangeWithPlaceholder

Also new is the |? type which represents union types in
and is used throughout the specification where a field can accept several
different types.

As an example of this in action, the types of your handlers will now depend on
whether or not they are a request or a notification. They will pass along the
precise type for the parameters the method you are handling, and in the case of
a request handler, will expect that the response you give back is of the correct
type as well.

type family Handler (f :: Type -> Type) (m :: Method from t) = (result :: Type) | result -> f t m where
  Handler f (m :: Method _from Request)      = RequestMessage m -> (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult m) -> f ()) -> f ()
  Handler f (m :: Method _from Notification) = NotificationMessage m -> f ()


LspFuncs has been removed and instead functionality is exposed through
functions in the MonadLsp class.

getVirtualFile :: MonadLsp config m => NormalizedUri -> m (Maybe VirtualFile)
sendRequest :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Request) f config. MonadLsp config f
            => SServerMethod m
            -> MessageParams m
            -> (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult m) -> f ())
            -> f (LspId m)

It is parameterised over the server's LSP configuration type and the underlying
We recommend that you build your own monad for your server on top of the LspT
transformer, so it will automatically become an instance of MonadLsp.

Inside the new ServerDefinition data type which gets passed to runServer,
you need to specify how to convert from IO to your monad and back in
interpretHandler so that lsp can execute your monad inside the handlers. You
can use the result returned from doInitialize to pass along the
LanguageContextEnv needed to run an LspT, as well as anything else your
monad needs.

ServerDefinition { ...
, doInitialize = \env _req -> pure $ Right env
, interpretHandler = \env -> Iso 
   (runLspT env) -- how to convert from IO ~> m
   liftIO        -- how to convert from m ~> IO

Steps to migrate

  1. In your .cabal file change any haskell-lsp dependencies to lsp
  2. Replace your existing imports with Haskell.LSP.Server
  3. If necessary define your own monad and fill in interpretHandler
  4. Migrate your handlers to use notificationHandler and requestHandler,
    passing along the corresponding SMethod (See example/Simple.hs)
  5. Remove any storage/use of LspFuncs and instead call the corresponding
    functions directly from your monad instead of IO