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Merge pull request #174 from haskell/lehins/more-seed-examples
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More seed examples
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lehins authored Dec 28, 2024
2 parents db40698 + 4b626bc commit 9b6b37c
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Showing 5 changed files with 104 additions and 61 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,10 @@

* Improve floating point value generation and avoid degenerate cases: [#172](
* Add `Uniform` instance for `Maybe` and `Either`: [#167](
* Add `Seed`, `SeedGen`, `seedSize`, `mkSeed` and `unSeed`:
* Add `Seed`, `SeedGen`, `seedSize`, `seedSizeProxy`, `mkSeed` and `unSeed`:
* Add `mkSeedFromByteString`, `unSeedToByteString`, `withSeed`, `withSeedM`, `withSeedFile`,
`seedGenTypeName`, `nonEmptyToSeed`, `nonEmptyFromSeed`, `withSeedM`, `withSeedMutableGen` and `withSeedMutableGen_`
* Add `SplitGen` and `splitGen`: [#160](
* Add `unifromShuffleList` and `unifromShuffleListM`: [#140](
* Add `uniformWordR`: [#140](
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79 changes: 44 additions & 35 deletions src/System/Random/Seed.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ module System.Random.Seed
, -- ** Seed
, seedSize
, seedSizeProxy
, mkSeed
, unSeed
, mkSeedFromByteString
Expand All @@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal, type (<=))
import GHC.Exts (Proxy#, proxy#)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal', type (<=))
import System.Random.Internal
import qualified System.Random.SplitMix as SM
import qualified System.Random.SplitMix32 as SM32
Expand All @@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ import qualified System.Random.SplitMix32 as SM32
-- It is not trivial to implement platform independence. For this reason this type class
-- has two alternative ways of creating an instance for this class. The easiest way for
-- constructing a platform indepent seed is by converting the inner state of a generator
-- to and from a list of 64 bit words using `unSeedGen64` and `seedGen64` respectively. In
-- to and from a list of 64 bit words using `toSeed64` and `fromSeed64` respectively. In
-- that case cross-platform support will be handled automaticaly.
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeFamilies
Expand All @@ -77,41 +80,41 @@ import qualified System.Random.SplitMix32 as SM32
-- >>> :{
-- instance SeedGen FiveByteGen where
-- type SeedSize FiveByteGen = 5
-- seedGen64 (w64 :| _) =
-- fromSeed64 (w64 :| _) =
-- FiveByteGen (fromIntegral (w64 `shiftR` 32)) (fromIntegral w64)
-- unSeedGen64 (FiveByteGen x1 x4) =
-- toSeed64 (FiveByteGen x1 x4) =
-- let w64 = (fromIntegral x1 `shiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral x4
-- in (w64 :| [])
-- :}
-- >>> FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304
-- FiveByteGen 128 16909060
-- >>> seedGen (unSeedGen (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304))
-- >>> fromSeed (toSeed (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304))
-- FiveByteGen 128 16909060
-- >>> unSeedGen (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304)
-- >>> toSeed (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304)
-- Seed [0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80]
-- >>> unSeedGen64 (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304)
-- >>> toSeed64 (FiveByteGen 0x80 0x01020304)
-- 549772722948 :| []
-- However, when performance is of utmost importance or default handling of cross platform
-- independence is not sufficient, then an adventurous developer can try implementing
-- conversion into bytes directly with `unSeedGen` and `seedGen`.
-- conversion into bytes directly with `toSeed` and `fromSeed`.
-- Properties that must hold:
-- @
-- > seedGen (unSeedGen gen) == gen
-- > fromSeed (toSeed gen) == gen
-- @
-- @
-- > seedGen64 (unSeedGen64 gen) == gen
-- > fromSeed64 (toSeed64 gen) == gen
-- @
-- Note, that there is no requirement for every `Seed` to roundtrip, eg. this proprty does
-- not even hold for `StdGen`:
-- >>> let seed = nonEmptyToSeed (0xab :| [0xff00]) :: Seed StdGen
-- >>> seed == unSeedGen (seedGen seed)
-- >>> seed == toSeed (fromSeed seed)
-- False
-- @since 1.3.0
Expand All @@ -120,23 +123,23 @@ class (KnownNat (SeedSize g), 1 <= SeedSize g, Typeable g) => SeedGen g where
-- number generator. It should be big enough to satisfy the roundtrip property:
-- @
-- > seedGen (unSeedGen gen) == gen
-- > fromSeed (toSeed gen) == gen
-- @
type SeedSize g :: Nat
{-# MINIMAL (seedGen, unSeedGen)|(seedGen64, unSeedGen64) #-}
{-# MINIMAL (fromSeed, toSeed)|(fromSeed64, toSeed64) #-}

-- | Convert from a binary representation to a pseudo-random number generator
-- @since 1.3.0
seedGen :: Seed g -> g
seedGen = seedGen64 . nonEmptyFromSeed
fromSeed :: Seed g -> g
fromSeed = fromSeed64 . nonEmptyFromSeed

-- | Convert to a binary representation of a pseudo-random number generator
-- @since 1.3.0
unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g
unSeedGen = nonEmptyToSeed . unSeedGen64
toSeed :: g -> Seed g
toSeed = nonEmptyToSeed . toSeed64

-- | Construct pseudo-random number generator from a list of words. Whenever list does
-- not have enough bytes to satisfy the `SeedSize` requirement, it will be padded with
Expand All @@ -146,33 +149,33 @@ class (KnownNat (SeedSize g), 1 <= SeedSize g, Typeable g) => SeedGen g where
-- element in the list will be used.
-- @since 1.3.0
seedGen64 :: NonEmpty Word64 -> g
seedGen64 = seedGen . nonEmptyToSeed
fromSeed64 :: NonEmpty Word64 -> g
fromSeed64 = fromSeed . nonEmptyToSeed

-- | Convert pseudo-random number generator to a list of words
-- In case when `SeedSize` is not a multiple of 8, then the upper bits of the last word
-- in the list will be set to zero.
-- @since 1.3.0
unSeedGen64 :: g -> NonEmpty Word64
unSeedGen64 = nonEmptyFromSeed . unSeedGen
toSeed64 :: g -> NonEmpty Word64
toSeed64 = nonEmptyFromSeed . toSeed

instance SeedGen StdGen where
type SeedSize StdGen = SeedSize SM.SMGen
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed SM.SMGen -> SM.SMGen)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: SM.SMGen -> Seed SM.SMGen)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed SM.SMGen -> SM.SMGen)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: SM.SMGen -> Seed SM.SMGen)

instance SeedGen g => SeedGen (StateGen g) where
type SeedSize (StateGen g) = SeedSize g
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed g -> g)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed g -> g)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: g -> Seed g)

instance SeedGen SM.SMGen where
type SeedSize SM.SMGen = 16
seedGen (Seed ba) =
fromSeed (Seed ba) =
SM.seedSMGen (indexWord64LE ba 0) (indexWord64LE ba 8)
unSeedGen g =
toSeed g =
case SM.unseedSMGen g of
(seed, gamma) -> Seed $ runST $ do
mba <- newMutableByteArray 16
Expand All @@ -182,13 +185,13 @@ instance SeedGen SM.SMGen where

instance SeedGen SM32.SMGen where
type SeedSize SM32.SMGen = 8
seedGen (Seed ba) =
fromSeed (Seed ba) =
let x = indexWord64LE ba 0
seed, gamma :: Word32
seed = fromIntegral (shiftR x 32)
gamma = fromIntegral x
in SM32.seedSMGen seed gamma
unSeedGen g =
toSeed g =
let seed, gamma :: Word32
(seed, gamma) = SM32.unseedSMGen g
in Seed $ runST $ do
Expand All @@ -205,7 +208,13 @@ instance SeedGen g => Uniform (Seed g) where
-- @since 1.3.0
seedSize :: forall g. SeedGen g => Int
seedSize = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (SeedSize g))
seedSize = fromInteger $ natVal' (proxy# :: Proxy# (SeedSize g))

-- | Just like `seedSize`, except it accepts a proxy as an argument.
-- @since 1.3.0
seedSizeProxy :: forall proxy g. SeedGen g => proxy g -> Int
seedSizeProxy _px = seedSize @g

-- | Construct a `Seed` from a `ByteArray` of expected length. Whenever `ByteArray` does
-- not match the `SeedSize` specified by the pseudo-random generator, this function will
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,12 +249,12 @@ withSeed seed f = runIdentity (withSeedM seed (pure . f))

-- | Same as `withSeed`, except it is useful with monadic computation and frozen generators.
-- See `System.Random.Stateful.withMutableSeedGen` for a helper that also handles seeds
-- See `System.Random.Stateful.withSeedMutableGen` for a helper that also handles seeds
-- for mutable pseduo-random number generators.
-- @since 1.3.0
withSeedM :: (SeedGen g, Functor f) => Seed g -> (g -> f (a, g)) -> f (a, Seed g)
withSeedM seed f = fmap unSeedGen <$> f (seedGen seed)
withSeedM seed f = fmap toSeed <$> f (fromSeed seed)

-- | This is a function that shows the name of the generator type, which is useful for
-- error reporting.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,11 +288,11 @@ unSeedToByteString = SBS.fromShort . byteArrayToShortByteString . unSeed
-- resulting generator will be converted back to a seed and written to the same file.
-- @since 1.3.0
withSeedFile :: (SeedGen g, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> (g -> m (a, g)) -> m a
withSeedFile fileName f = do
withSeedFile :: (SeedGen g, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> (Seed g -> m (a, Seed g)) -> m a
withSeedFile fileName action = do
bs <- liftIO $ BS.readFile fileName
seed <- liftIO $ mkSeedFromByteString bs
(res, seed') <- withSeedM seed f
(res, seed') <- action seed
liftIO $ BS.writeFile fileName $ unSeedToByteString seed'
pure res

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62 changes: 47 additions & 15 deletions src/System/Random/Stateful.hs
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Expand Up @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ module System.Random.Stateful
, ThawedGen(..)
, withMutableGen
, withMutableGen_
, withMutableSeedGen
, withMutableSeedGen_
, withSeedMutableGen
, withSeedMutableGen_
, randomM
, randomRM
, splitGenM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,17 +320,49 @@ withMutableGen_ fg action = thawGen fg >>= action

-- | Just like `withMutableGen`, except uses a `Seed` instead of a frozen generator.
-- ====__Examples__
-- Here is good example of how `withSeedMutableGen` can be used with `withSeedFile`, which uses a locally stored seed.
-- First we define a @reportSeed@ function that will print the contents of a seed file as a list of bytes:
-- >>> import Data.ByteString as BS (readFile, writeFile, unpack)
-- >>> :seti -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> let reportSeed fp = print . ("Seed: " <>) . show . BS.unpack =<< BS.readFile fp
-- Given a file path, write an `StdGen` seed into the file:
-- >>> :seti -XFlexibleContexts -XScopedTypeVariables
-- >>> let writeInitSeed fp = BS.writeFile fp (unSeedToByteString (toSeed (mkStdGen 2025)))
-- Apply a `StatefulGen` monadic action that uses @`IOGen` `StdGen`@, restored from the seed in the given path:
-- >>> let withMutableSeedFile fp action = withSeedFile fp (\(seed :: Seed (IOGen StdGen)) -> withSeedMutableGen seed action)
-- Given a path and an action initialize the seed file and apply the action using that seed:
-- >>> let withInitSeedFile fp action = writeInitSeed fp *> reportSeed fp *> withMutableSeedFile fp action <* reportSeed fp
-- For the sake of example we will use a temporary directory for storing the seed. Here we
-- report the contents of the seed file before and after we shuffle a list:
-- >>> import UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempDirectory)
-- >>> withSystemTempDirectory "random" (\fp -> withInitSeedFile (fp ++ "/seed.bin") (uniformShuffleListM [1..10]))
-- "Seed: [183,178,143,77,132,163,109,14,157,105,82,99,148,82,109,173]"
-- "Seed: [60,105,117,203,187,138,69,39,157,105,82,99,148,82,109,173]"
-- [7,5,4,3,1,8,10,6,9,2]
-- @since 1.3.0
withMutableSeedGen :: (SeedGen g, ThawedGen g m) => Seed g -> (MutableGen g m -> m a) -> m (a, Seed g)
withMutableSeedGen seed f = withSeedM seed (`withMutableGen` f)
withSeedMutableGen :: (SeedGen g, ThawedGen g m) => Seed g -> (MutableGen g m -> m a) -> m (a, Seed g)
withSeedMutableGen seed f = withSeedM seed (`withMutableGen` f)

-- | Just like `withMutableSeedGen`, except it doesn't return the final generator, only
-- | Just like `withSeedMutableGen`, except it doesn't return the final generator, only
-- the resulting value. This is slightly more efficient, since it doesn't incur overhead
-- from freezeing the mutable generator
-- @since 1.3.0
withMutableSeedGen_ :: (SeedGen g, ThawedGen g m) => Seed g -> (MutableGen g m -> m a) -> m a
withMutableSeedGen_ seed = withMutableGen_ (seedGen seed)
withSeedMutableGen_ :: (SeedGen g, ThawedGen g m) => Seed g -> (MutableGen g m -> m a) -> m a
withSeedMutableGen_ seed = withMutableGen_ (fromSeed seed)

-- | Generates a pseudo-random value using monadic interface and `Random` instance.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,8 +427,8 @@ newtype AtomicGen g = AtomicGen { unAtomicGen :: g}
-- Standalone definition due to GHC-8.0 not supporting deriving with associated type families
instance SeedGen g => SeedGen (AtomicGen g) where
type SeedSize (AtomicGen g) = SeedSize g
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed g -> g)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed g -> g)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: g -> Seed g)

-- | Creates a new 'AtomicGenM'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,8 +540,8 @@ newtype IOGen g = IOGen { unIOGen :: g }
-- Standalone definition due to GHC-8.0 not supporting deriving with associated type families
instance SeedGen g => SeedGen (IOGen g) where
type SeedSize (IOGen g) = SeedSize g
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed g -> g)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed g -> g)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: g -> Seed g)

-- | Creates a new 'IOGenM'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,8 +616,8 @@ newtype STGen g = STGen { unSTGen :: g }
-- Standalone definition due to GHC-8.0 not supporting deriving with associated type families
instance SeedGen g => SeedGen (STGen g) where
type SeedSize (STGen g) = SeedSize g
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed g -> g)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed g -> g)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: g -> Seed g)

-- | Creates a new 'STGenM'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -685,8 +717,8 @@ newtype TGen g = TGen { unTGen :: g }
-- Standalone definition due to GHC-8.0 not supporting deriving with associated type families
instance SeedGen g => SeedGen (TGen g) where
type SeedSize (TGen g) = SeedSize g
seedGen = coerce (seedGen :: Seed g -> g)
unSeedGen = coerce (unSeedGen :: g -> Seed g)
fromSeed = coerce (fromSeed :: Seed g -> g)
toSeed = coerce (toSeed :: g -> Seed g)

-- | Creates a new 'TGenM' in `STM`.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/Spec.hs
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Expand Up @@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ newtype ConstGen = ConstGen Word64

instance SeedGen ConstGen where
type SeedSize ConstGen = 8
seedGen64 (w :| _) = ConstGen w
unSeedGen64 (ConstGen w) = pure w
fromSeed64 (w :| _) = ConstGen w
toSeed64 (ConstGen w) = pure w

instance RandomGen ConstGen where
genWord64 g@(ConstGen c) = (c, g)
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions test/Spec/Seed.hs
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Expand Up @@ -49,26 +49,26 @@ instance (KnownNat n, Monad m) => Serial m (Gen64 n) where

instance (1 <= n, KnownNat n) => SeedGen (GenN n) where
type SeedSize (GenN n) = n
unSeedGen (GenN bs) = fromJust . mkSeed . GHC.fromList $ BS.unpack bs
seedGen = GenN . BS.pack . GHC.toList . unSeed
toSeed (GenN bs) = fromJust . mkSeed . GHC.fromList $ BS.unpack bs
fromSeed = GenN . BS.pack . GHC.toList . unSeed

newtype Gen64 (n :: Nat) = Gen64 (NonEmpty Word64)
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance (1 <= n, KnownNat n) => SeedGen (Gen64 n) where
type SeedSize (Gen64 n) = n
unSeedGen64 (Gen64 ws) = ws
seedGen64 = Gen64
toSeed64 (Gen64 ws) = ws
fromSeed64 = Gen64

seedGenSpec ::
forall g. (SeedGen g, Eq g, Show g, Serial IO g)
=> TestTree
seedGenSpec =
testGroup (seedGenTypeName @g)
[ testProperty "seedGen/unSeedGen" $
forAll $ \(g :: g) -> g == seedGen (unSeedGen g)
, testProperty "seedGen64/unSeedGen64" $
forAll $ \(g :: g) -> g == seedGen64 (unSeedGen64 g)
[ testProperty "fromSeed/toSeed" $
forAll $ \(g :: g) -> g == fromSeed (toSeed g)
, testProperty "fromSeed64/toSeed64" $
forAll $ \(g :: g) -> g == fromSeed64 (toSeed64 g)

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