pip install -r requirments.txt
python src/models/model_download.py
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
!python src/main.py
import requests as req
inp = {"essays_dict":
{"p7": "carpooled overtone censurers Gorey tyrannises",
"uv8": "amphimixis Oozlefinch mesmerize attaman untrue",
"7mgj": "remodelled unitholders toddled uncousinly pug-dog",
"evjd2": "shortness tupara potato-moth proximates digger",
"yDim": "amphimixis mesmerize attaman untrue"
"cased": false}
out = req.post(url, json=inp)
"plagiarism_results": [
"uv8": {
"yDim": 0.7832804918289185
"yDim": {
"uv8": 0.7832803726196289
import requests as req
inp = {"essays_dict": {
"78vv74": "\"\"@increase@\"\"1.0",
"9": "name all is good hi gallon increase",
"10": "all is good dafdr",
"11": "all is decrease dafdr"
"grading_model": "manual_keywords_grading",
"cased": false
out = req.post(url, json=inp)
"grades": {
"9": 1.0,
"10": 0.0,
"11": 0.0
# has the encoder singleton
import transformer_model
# for grading
import keywords_grading
bert = transformer_model()
KGM = keywords_grading(bert)
answers = ["ahmed is eating a pizza",
"i go to school by bus",
"i am eating a pizza",
"ahmed is eating a pizza"
ids = [i in range(len(answers))]
# call the pipeline
KGM.predict(answers= answers ,
ids = ids,
"grades": {
"9": 0.177,
"10": 0.475,
"11": 0.93
ASAP dataset
quora question pairs
1) hard grading
enclosure is ""
# NOTE: all weights are optional
weight:float or None = 1.0
example = f"\"\"keyword-phrase\"\""{weight}
keywords are just matched with students answer if they contain them
2) soft grading
enclosure is ""@
weight:float or None = 1.0
example = f"\"\"@keyword-phrase@\"\"{weight}"
students answers are splited in keyword-phrases' n_grams. Then encoded and get maximum similarity between them and the keyword-phrases if the similarity value > SOFT_THRESHOLD put to one else zero for each keyword-phrase
3) medium grading
enclosure is ""@@
weight:float or None = 1.0
example = f"\"\"@@keyword-phrase@@\"\"{weight}"
students answers are splited in keyword-phrases' n_grams. Then encoded and get maximum similarity between them and the keyword-phrases if the similarity value > MEDUIM_THRESHOLD put to one else zero for each keyword-phrase
Note: that you can combine the three grading types interchangeably
example = "\"\"@@keyword_one@@\"\" \"\"keyword_two\"\" rest of the sentence"