Hacked together to learn DX, rushed towards the end. Around 30fps at 720p on stock 5770.
- Dynamic tiling with tiles generated on GPU.
- Sort-of deferred shading, but G-Buffer is way too fat. Forward-shading would have been much more appropriate for this.
- You don't need classes. Data Oriented Design is clearly the way forward. But requires more planning.
- A planet made of metal without an atmosphere was not a good choice: The only depth cues are basically the artifacts from the undersampled normal mapping in the distance -__-
- A procedural normal map (combined octaves) is not a good idea. Gave me a lot of headaches.
- Wasted a lot of time tweaking and fiddling with the lighting values.
- Good assets are everything.
- Cull off-screen tiles
- Group close tiles into single vertex buffer
- Larger world
- Slim down G-Buffer, e.g. position from depth
- Profile and slim down pixel shaders
- Cleaner tear down