Provide cachers to the model so that you could specify which you want to cache. Data will be cached at Rails.cache
and also at application level via RequestStore
to cache values between requests. Cachers will maintain cached objects and expire them when they are changed (including create, update, destroy, and even delete).
- Multi-level Cache
- Do not pollute original ActiveModel API.
- Support ActiveRecord 3, 4, 5.
- High test coverage
Compare with identity_cache
allows you to specify what to cache and when to expire those caches. So that you could cache raw sql query results, time-consuming methods, responses of requests, and so on. It also supports AR associations / attibutes (has_many, has_one, belongs_to) and secondary indexes.
focuses on AR, and doesn't have the flexibility to specify the query. It has more features for caching AR associations / attibutes, such as caching attibutes by multiple keys, embedding associations to load data in one fetch, non-unique secondary indexes, and caching polymorphic associations, etc.
There is also a difference worths mentioning, active_model_cachers
encapsulates methods to cacher
, while identity_cache
adds a number of fetch_*
method to AR
directly. Therefore, it's more possible to have method name collision.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'active_model_cachers'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install active_model_cachers
Add an initializer with this code to your project:
ActiveModelCachers.config do |config| = Rails.cache # specify where the cache will be stored
cache_at(name, query = nil, options = {})
Specify a cache on the model.
- name: the attribute name.
- query: how to get data on cache miss. It will be set automatically if the name match an association or an attribute.
- options: see here
The cacher
is defined as class method
and instance method
of Model. You could call the method and get the cacher instance, e.g. User.cacher
or user.cacher
. An attribute will define a method on cacher, cached attributes are asscessable via it, e.g. user.cacher.the_attribute_name
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :something_you_want_to_cache, ->{ get_the_data_on_cache_miss }
After specifying the name as active_count
and how to get data when cache miss by lambda
You could access the cached data by calling active_count
method on the cacher, User.cacher
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :active, ->{ where('last_login_at > ?', 7.days.ago) }
 cache_at :active_count, ->{ active.count }, expire_by: 'User#last_login_at'
@count = User.cacher.active_count
You may want to flush cache on the number of active user changed. It can be done by simply setting expire_by
. In this case, User#last_login_at
means flushing the cache when a user's last_login_at
is changed (whenever by save, update, create, destroy or delete).
In this example, the cache should be cleaned on user destroyed
, or new user created
, but not on user updated
. You could specify the cleaning callback to only fire on certain events by on
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :count, ->{ count }, expire_by: 'User', on: [:create, :destroy]
@count = User.cacher.count
You could use the cacher from instance scope, e.g. user.cacher
, instead of User.cacher
. The difference is that the binding
of query lambda is changed. In this example, you could write the query as posts.exists?
in that it's in instance scope, and the binding of the lambda is user
, not User
. So that it accesses posts
method of user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
cache_at :has_post?, ->{ posts.exists? }, expire_by: :posts
do_something if current_user.cacher.has_post?
In this example, the cache should be cleaned when the posts
of the user changed. You could just set expire_by
to the association: :posts
, and then it will do all the works for you magically. (If you want know more details, it actually set expire_by
to Post#user_id
and foreign_key
, which is needed for backtracing the user id from post, to :user_id
You could cache not only the query result of database but also the result of outer service. Becasue email_valid?
doesn't match an association or an attribute, by default, the cache will not be cleaned by any changes.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :email_valid?, ->(email){ }
render_error if not User.cacher_at('[email protected]').email_valid?
The query lambda can have one parameter, you could pass variable to it by using cacher_at
. For example, User.cacher_at(email)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :email_valid?, ->(email){ }, primary_key: :email
render_error if not current_user.cacher.email_valid?
It can also be accessed from instance cacher. But you have to set primary_key
, which is needed to know which attribute should be passed to the parameter.
Sometimes you may need to query multiple objects. Although the query results will be cached, the application still needs to query the cache server multiple times. If one communication take 0.1 ms, 1000 communications will take 100ms! For example:
class Skill < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :atk_power
# This will retrieve the data from cache servers multiple times.
@attack = skill_ids.inject(0){|sum, id| sum + Skill.cacher_at(id).atk_power }
One of the solution is that you could store a lookup table into cache, so that only one cache object is stored and you can retrieve all of the needed data in one query.
class Skill < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :atk_powers, ->{ pluck(:id, :atk_power).to_h }, expire_by: 'Skill#atk_power'
# This will retrieve the data from cache servers only 1 times.
@attack = skill_ids.inject(0){|sum, id| sum + Skill.cacher.atk_powers[id] }
Sometimes it needs to maintain the cache manually. For example, after calling update_all
, delete_all
or import
records without calling callbacks.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile
cache_at :profile
# clean the cache by name
# or calling the clean_* method
# clean the cache without loading model
If you just want to check the cached objects, but don't want it to load from database automatically when there is no cache. You could use peek
method on cacher
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile
cache_at :profile
# peek the cache by name
# or calling the peek_* method
# peek the cache without loading model
There is multi-level cache in order to make the speed of data access go faster.
- RequestStore
- Rails.cache
- Association Cache
- Database
is used to make sure same object will not loaded from cache twice, since the data transfer between Cache
and Application
still consumes time.
Association Cache
will be used to prevent preloaded objects being loaded again.
For example:
user = User.includes(:posts).take
user.cacher.posts # => no query will be made even on cache miss.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile
cache_at :profile
@profile = current_user.cacher.profile
# directly get profile without loading user.
@profile = User.cacher_at(user_id).profile
Cache self by id.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
@user = User.cacher.find_by(id: user_id)
# peek cache
User.cacher.peek_by(id: user_id)
# clean cache
User.cacher.clean_by(id: user_id)
Also support caching self by other columns.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_self by: :account
@user = User.cacher.find_by(account: 'khiav')
# peek cache
User.cacher.peek_by(account: 'khiav')
# clean cache
User.cacher.clean_by(account: 'khiav')
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
cache_at :point
@point = Profile.cacher_at(profile_id).point
Monitor on the specific model. Clean the cached objects if target are changed.
if empty, e.g.
: Monitoring nothing. -
if string, e.g.
: Monitoring all attributes ofUser
. -
if string with keyword
, e.g.User#last_login_in_at
: Monitoring only the specific attribute. -
if symbol, e.g.
: Monitoring on the association. It will trying to do all the things for you, including monitoring all attributes ofPost
and set theforeign_key
. -
Default value depends on the
. If is an association, monitoring the association klass. If is an attribute, monitoring current klass and the attrribute name. If others, monitoring nothing.
Fire changes only by a certain action with the on
option. Like the same option of after_commit.
: Clean the cache only on new record is created, e.g.Model.create
. -
: Clean the cache only on the record is updated, e.g.model.update
. -
: Clean the cache only on the record id destroyed, e.g.model.destroy
. -
, e.g.[:create, :update]
: Clean the cache by any of specified actions. -
Default value is
[:create, :update, :destroy]
This option is needed only for caching assoication and need not to set if expire_by
is set to monitor association. Used for backtracing the cache key from cached objects. For examle, if user
has_many posts
, and cached the posts
by When a post is changed, it needs to know which column to use (in this example, user_id
) to clean the cache at user.
Default value is
Will be automatically determined if
is symbol.
This option is needed to know which attribute should be passed to the parameter when you are using instance cacher. For example, if a query, named email_valid?
, uses
as parameter, and you call it from instance: user.cacher.email_valid?
. You need to tell it to pass
instead of
as the argument.
- Default value is
- caching polymorphic associations
- non-unique secondary indexes
- caching attibutes by multiple keys
- testing counter cache
- testing has_many through
- testing has_and_belongs_to_many
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.