- NodeJS v20.14+
- App server runs on port 5252
- Vite dev server runs on port 4242
- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expires: 12/34
- Security code: 123
- Zip: 12345
Note: Without an active stripe webhook listening, the completed cart sessions won't clear out correctly following checkout success. To simulate a user checkout process again, you will need to clear cart session cookie (sid) from browser.
- Clone this repository code to your local device.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory
- Run the command "cd backend" to move into the backend directory
- Install the backend packages using "npm i"
- Start the server by running "npm run dev"
- Without closing the first terminal, open a second terminal and navigate to the project directory again
- Run the command "cd frontend" to move into the frontend directory
- Install the frontend packages using "npm i"
- Start the app by running "npm run dev"
- Navigate in your browser to http://localhost:4242/
- Enter card details listed above to test checkout