-Added refined and alternative versions for the below:
-Added Off and Powertool Icons.
-Added Finance, Tools, Chat (a), and Downloads-2 (b) Icons.
-Added Drinking Glass to some of the collections.
-Added Scraping and Tiny Media Manager Icons to some of the collections.
-Added Jellyfin, Cooking, and Camera Icons to collections.
-Fixed png icons that were "empty"
-Added AI icons to collections.
These are alternative color versions of ground7's collection of animated .svg icons.
These are meant to be used with Guildart's great unRAID plugin Docker Folders.
Ground7 is offering to animate any new icon requests. However, he is not going to be creating the vector files necessary for him to animate. I will gladly take requests (within reason) to create the vector files. The more info/samples you can provide, the better. Please feel free to enter your request on my thread here.