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Waiting for verification by the respective party, that the issue is solved
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
This issue is not from our side and seems to be an external/3rd party issue.
More information is required to debug or solve the problem
New deployment created this bug
Requested change is not feasible due to various reasons
Further information is requested
Issue is solved but open for more improvement
It is assumed that the issue is now fixed. As there is no response from the user for a long time
No response, considering this issue stale and inactive. Issue will be closed in a week.
Issue is not directly related to the extension, maybe it's related to setup or something else
Dependencies are either deprecated or need updation for a fix
This will not be worked on
A workaround or a solution already exists or has been implemented for this issue
You can’t perform that action at this time.