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fix: [componentDiagram] parse trailing spaces #644

fix: [componentDiagram] parse trailing spaces

fix: [componentDiagram] parse trailing spaces #644

GitHub Actions / JEST Tests succeeded Feb 2, 2025 in 0s

156 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ reports/junit.xml

156 tests were completed in 10s with 156 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
activity parser 20✅ 2s
activity-artist 4✅ 696ms
activityDiagram config 2✅ 121ms
class parser 12✅ 447ms
component-artist 2✅ 292ms
componentDiagram config 2✅ 115ms
componentDiagram parser 11✅ 2s
dot config 2✅ 66ms
dot parser 7✅ 326ms
dot-artist 3✅ 484ms
er config 3✅ 201ms
er config 2✅ 92ms
er event recognizer 2✅ 1s
er parser 6✅ 295ms
er-artist 4✅ 242ms
gantt config 2✅ 216ms
gantt parser 6✅ 803ms
gantt-artist 1✅ 595ms
mindmap config 2✅ 77ms
mindmap parser 8✅ 434ms
mindmap-artist 2✅ 360ms
parser edge case 1✅ 1s
pintora core configApi 3✅ 399ms
pintora core themeRegistry 1✅ 165ms
pintora standalone 8✅ 5s
Preproccessor 4✅ 104ms
render 4✅ 4s
render cases 1✅ 907ms
sequence event recognizer 2✅ 943ms
sequence parser 20✅ 2s
sequence-artist 5✅ 304ms
style engine parser 2✅ 187ms
StyleContext 2✅ 70ms

✅ activity parser

activity parser can parse action
  ✅ activity parser can parse action
activity parser can parse conditions
  ✅ activity parser can parse conditions
activity parser can parse while loops
  ✅ activity parser can parse while loops
activity parser can parse keywords
  ✅ activity parser can parse keywords
activity parser can parse keyword in condition
  ✅ activity parser can parse keyword in condition
activity parser can parse group
  ✅ activity parser can parse group
activity parser can parse group title with multiple words
  ✅ activity parser can parse group title with multiple words
activity parser can parse notes
  ✅ activity parser can parse notes
activity parser can parse while-loops inside group
  ✅ activity parser can parse while-loops inside group
activity parser can parse conditions inside group
  ✅ activity parser can parse conditions inside group
activity parser can parse nested groups
  ✅ activity parser can parse nested groups
activity parser can parse switch case sentence
  ✅ activity parser can parse switch case sentence
activity parser can parse arrow statement
  ✅ activity parser can parse arrow statement
activity parser can parse fork sentence
  ✅ activity parser can parse fork sentence
activity parser can parse fork with end merge
  ✅ activity parser can parse fork with end merge
activity parser can parse detach and kill
  ✅ activity parser can parse detach and kill
activity parser can parse repeat loop
  ✅ activity parser can parse repeat loop
activity parser can parse repeat loop that has first action
  ✅ activity parser can parse repeat loop that has first action
activity parser can parse title
  ✅ activity parser can parse title
activity parser can parse quoted word in action
  ✅ activity parser can parse quoted word in action

✅ activity-artist

activity-artist can draw
  ✅ activity-artist can draw
activity-artist draw fork
  ✅ activity-artist draw fork
activity-artist draw repeat
  ✅ activity-artist draw repeat
activity-artist Should draw a no-action-line when there is no else block
  ✅ activity-artist Should draw a no-action-line when there is no else block

✅ activityDiagram config

activityDiagram config can parse  param clause
  ✅ activityDiagram config can parse  param clause
activityDiagram config can parse override clause
  ✅ activityDiagram config can parse override clause

✅ class parser

class parser can parse class name
  ✅ class parser can parse class name
class parser can parse methods and fields
  ✅ class parser can parse methods and fields
class parser can parse member with modifier
  ✅ class parser can parse member with modifier
class parser can parse relationship between classes
  ✅ class parser can parse relationship between classes
class parser can parse multiple relationships
  ✅ class parser can parse multiple relationships
class parser can parse quoted labels on relations
  ✅ class parser can parse quoted labels on relations
class parser can parse class annotation
  ✅ class parser can parse class annotation
class parser can parse class label
  ✅ class parser can parse class label
class parser can parse singleline note
  ✅ class parser can parse singleline note
class parser can parse multiline note
  ✅ class parser can parse multiline note
class parser can parse title
  ✅ class parser can parse title
class parser can parse member with #
  ✅ class parser can parse member with #

✅ component-artist

component-artist match example snapshot
  ✅ component-artist match example snapshot
component-artist can parse and handle bindClass
  ✅ component-artist can parse and handle bindClass

✅ componentDiagram config

componentDiagram config can parse  param clause
  ✅ componentDiagram config can parse  param clause
componentDiagram config can parse override clause
  ✅ componentDiagram config can parse override clause

✅ componentDiagram parser

componentDiagram parser parse component
  ✅ componentDiagram parser parse component
componentDiagram parser parse group
  ✅ componentDiagram parser parse group
componentDiagram parser parse interface
  ✅ componentDiagram parser parse interface
componentDiagram parser parse relationship
  ✅ componentDiagram parser parse relationship
componentDiagram parser parse nested component
  ✅ componentDiagram parser parse nested component
componentDiagram parser can parse param clause
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse param clause
componentDiagram parser can parse element to group relationship
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse element to group relationship
componentDiagram parser can parse comments
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse comments
componentDiagram parser can parse title
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse title
componentDiagram parser can parse escape chars
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse escape chars
componentDiagram parser can parse short component without trailing space
  ✅ componentDiagram parser can parse short component without trailing space

✅ dot config

dot config can parse param clause
  ✅ dot config can parse param clause
dot config can parse override clause
  ✅ dot config can parse override clause

✅ dot parser

dot parser should parse node
  ✅ dot parser should parse node
dot parser should parse node in shorthand
  ✅ dot parser should parse node in shorthand
dot parser should parse edge
  ✅ dot parser should parse edge
dot parser should parse directed edge
  ✅ dot parser should parse directed edge
dot parser should parse attr stmt
  ✅ dot parser should parse attr stmt
dot parser should parse subgraph
  ✅ dot parser should parse subgraph
dot parser should parse dot comment
  ✅ dot parser should parse dot comment

✅ dot-artist

dot-artist match example snapshot
  ✅ dot-artist match example snapshot
dot-artist renders different arrow type
  ✅ dot-artist renders different arrow type
dot-artist renders different node type
  ✅ dot-artist renders different node type

✅ er config

er config can parse param clause
  ✅ er config can parse param clause
er config can parse param clause inside brackets
  ✅ er config can parse param clause inside brackets
er config can parse override clause
  ✅ er config can parse override clause

✅ er config

er config can parse param clause
  ✅ er config can parse param clause
er config can parse override clause
  ✅ er config can parse override clause

✅ er event recognizer

er event recognizer can recognize entity
  ✅ er event recognizer can recognize entity
er event recognizer can recognize relationship
  ✅ er event recognizer can recognize relationship

✅ er parser

er parser will parse message inside quotes
  ✅ er parser will parse message inside quotes
er parser will parse attribute key
  ✅ er parser will parse attribute key
er parser will parse attribute comment
  ✅ er parser will parse attribute comment
er parser will parse specialisation
  ✅ er parser will parse specialisation
er parser can parse comments
  ✅ er parser can parse comments
er parser can parse title
  ✅ er parser can parse title

✅ er-artist

er-artist will not throw error
  ✅ er-artist will not throw error
er-artist will process containerSize and @useMaxWidth
  ✅ er-artist will process containerSize and @useMaxWidth
er-artist will draw inheritance
  ✅ er-artist will draw inheritance
er-artist can parse and handle bindClass
  ✅ er-artist can parse and handle bindClass

✅ gantt config

gantt config can parse param clause
  ✅ gantt config can parse param clause
gantt config can parse override clause
  ✅ gantt config can parse override clause

✅ gantt parser

gantt parser should parse attrs
  ✅ gantt parser should parse attrs
gantt parser should parse tasks
  ✅ gantt parser should parse tasks
gantt parser should parse tags
  ✅ gantt parser should parse tags
gantt parser should parse task relation with "after"
  ✅ gantt parser should parse task relation with "after"
gantt parser should parse markDate
  ✅ gantt parser should parse markDate
gantt parser should parse and handle excludes
  ✅ gantt parser should parse and handle excludes

✅ gantt-artist

gantt-artist match example snapshot
  ✅ gantt-artist match example snapshot

✅ mindmap config

mindmap config can parse  param clause
  ✅ mindmap config can parse  param clause
mindmap config can parse override clause
  ✅ mindmap config can parse override clause

✅ mindmap parser

mindmap parser can parse different levels
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse different levels
mindmap parser can parse multiline item
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse multiline item
mindmap parser can parse hyphen inside multiline
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse hyphen inside multiline
mindmap parser can parse arithmetic notations
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse arithmetic notations
mindmap parser will add to root if there are no parent in prev depth
  ✅ mindmap parser will add to root if there are no parent in prev depth
mindmap parser can parse multiroot mindmap
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse multiroot mindmap
mindmap parser can parse CRLF as eol
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse CRLF as eol
mindmap parser can parse title
  ✅ mindmap parser can parse title

✅ mindmap-artist

mindmap-artist should generate graphicIR
  ✅ mindmap-artist should generate graphicIR
mindmap-artist mindmap @pre block can parse param in @pre
  ✅ mindmap-artist mindmap @pre block can parse param in @pre

✅ parser edge case

parser edge case can parse code with crlf as eol
  ✅ parser edge case can parse code with crlf as eol

✅ pintora core configApi

pintora core configApi replace array instead of merging
  ✅ pintora core configApi replace array instead of merging
pintora core configApi gnernateNewConfig(c) will get themeVariables from themeRegistry if themeConfig.theme is provided
  ✅ pintora core configApi gnernateNewConfig(c) will get themeVariables from themeRegistry if themeConfig.theme is provided
pintora core configApi gnernateNewConfig(c) will assign extra themeConfig.themeVariables
  ✅ pintora core configApi gnernateNewConfig(c) will assign extra themeConfig.themeVariables

✅ pintora core themeRegistry

pintora core themeRegistry registerTheme
  ✅ pintora core themeRegistry registerTheme

✅ pintora standalone

pintora standalone getConfigFromElement get some configs
  ✅ pintora standalone getConfigFromElement get some configs
pintora standalone renderTo set config for only one render
  ✅ pintora standalone renderTo set config for only one render
pintora standalone renderTo should accept container as css selector
  ✅ pintora standalone renderTo should accept container as css selector
pintora standalone renderTo calls `renderer.on` and diagramEventManager methods if `eventsHandlers` is passed
  ✅ pintora standalone renderTo calls `renderer.on` and diagramEventManager methods if `eventsHandlers` is passed
pintora standalone renderTo eventsHandlers will only be triggered by coresponding render
  ✅ pintora standalone renderTo eventsHandlers will only be triggered by coresponding render
pintora standalone renderContentOf should create render result and insert before container
  ✅ pintora standalone renderContentOf should create render result and insert before container
pintora standalone renderContentOf should not create multiple result elements even after multiple calls
  ✅ pintora standalone renderContentOf should not create multiple result elements even after multiple calls
pintora standalone renderContentOf can use options.getContent
  ✅ pintora standalone renderContentOf can use options.getContent

✅ Preproccessor

Preproccessor can parse @param
  ✅ Preproccessor can parse @param
Preproccessor can parse title
  ✅ Preproccessor can parse title
Preproccessor can parse override configs
  ✅ Preproccessor can parse override configs
Preproccessor can parse @style block
  ✅ Preproccessor can parse @style block

✅ render

render can output svg
  ✅ render can output svg
render can output jpeg
  ✅ render can output jpeg
render pintoraConfig should not alter global config
  ✅ render pintoraConfig should not alter global config
render should cleanup global pollution after render
  ✅ render should cleanup global pollution after render

✅ render cases

render cases will not throw CanvasPattern ReferenceError
  ✅ render cases will not throw CanvasPattern ReferenceError

✅ sequence event recognizer

sequence event recognizer can recognize actor
  ✅ sequence event recognizer can recognize actor
sequence event recognizer can recognize message
  ✅ sequence event recognizer can recognize message

✅ sequence parser

sequence parser can parse unicode chars
  ✅ sequence parser can parse unicode chars
sequence parser can parse singleline note
  ✅ sequence parser can parse singleline note
sequence parser can parse multiline note
  ✅ sequence parser can parse multiline note
sequence parser can parse multiline note with over
  ✅ sequence parser can parse multiline note with over
sequence parser can parse divider
  ✅ sequence parser can parse divider
sequence parser should be correct when there is no char after divider
  ✅ sequence parser should be correct when there is no char after divider
sequence parser can parse participant
  ✅ sequence parser can parse participant
sequence parser can parse participant with classifier
  ✅ sequence parser can parse participant with classifier
sequence parser can parse participant inside box
  ✅ sequence parser can parse participant inside box
sequence parser can parse participant box without title
  ✅ sequence parser can parse participant box without title
sequence parser can parse multiline message
  ✅ sequence parser can parse multiline message
sequence parser keywords can appear in messages
  ✅ sequence parser keywords can appear in messages
sequence parser group
  ✅ sequence parser group
sequence parser group color
  ✅ sequence parser group color
sequence parser can parse activations
  ✅ sequence parser can parse activations
sequence parser can parse activations with plus/minus token
  ✅ sequence parser can parse activations with plus/minus token
sequence parser can parse alt/else
  ✅ sequence parser can parse alt/else
sequence parser can parse par/and
  ✅ sequence parser can parse par/and
sequence parser should be correct when there is blank line inside par
  ✅ sequence parser should be correct when there is blank line inside par
sequence parser can parse comments
  ✅ sequence parser can parse comments

✅ sequence-artist

sequence-artist match example snapshot
  ✅ sequence-artist match example snapshot
sequence-artist draw cross mark to
  ✅ sequence-artist draw cross mark to
sequence-artist will process containerSize and @useMaxWidth
  ✅ sequence-artist will process containerSize and @useMaxWidth
sequence-artist will render boxes
  ✅ sequence-artist will render boxes
sequence-artist draw participant classifier
  ✅ sequence-artist draw participant classifier

✅ style engine parser

style engine parser can parse @style block
  ✅ style engine parser can parse @style block
style engine parser can parse bindClass
  ✅ style engine parser can parse bindClass

✅ StyleContext

StyleContext getValue through parent chain
  ✅ StyleContext getValue through parent chain
StyleContext resolve through parent chain
  ✅ StyleContext resolve through parent chain