A lightweight and intuitive multi-user wiki with git backend.
Demo: http://wiki.liuconsulting.com
(make sure you have java first)
git clone https://github.com/hmisty/gitwiki.git
cd gitwiki
If you already have lein in your PATH:
lein run
Or, in development mode:
lein ring server-headless 8083
If you don't have lein:
curl -O https://raw.github.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein
chmod +x lein
./lein run
Open browser to
- Two testing users test and tom with password test and tom were created for your start.
It supports theme. The default one shipped in resources/default is borrowed from wigit.
You can absolutely compose your own flavored themes:
- view.html - the view page
- edit.html - the edit page
- history.html - the history page
- style.css - the style
HTTP Basic Authentication is employed.
To create or update user and password, use htpasswd:
htpasswd -s gitwiki.user USERNAME
- programming language: clojure
- build tool: leiningen
- web stack:
- wiki rendering: textile. org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext Java library is reused and wrapped with clojure.
- git API: jgit. org.eclipse.jgit library is reused and wrapped with clojure for operating the git repository.
Copyright © 2013 Evan Liu (hmisty)
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.