An open telemetry collector processor that will symbolicate JavaScript stack traces using source maps. This is compatible with v0.12.0 and onwards of the Honeycomb OpenTelemetry web SDK.
To install this processor, include it in the build config file of your OpenTelemetry collector distro. You can also use the pre-built Honeycomb OpenTelemetry collector distro that already includes this processor.
- We require the use of CGO for the processor. If you are building your own collector image it must support glibc. We recommend
Register the plugin in the processors section of your open telemetry collector configuration.
The symbolicator requires access to both your minimised JavaScript source files
and associated JavaScript source map files generated by your build process.
Ideally these files are versioned with a file hash in the file name.
eg. main.c383b093b0b66825a9c3.js
. The minimised source file must also contain
the sourceMappingURL
tag containing the relative path to the source map file.
The symbolicator can access these files through a number of different storage
mechanisms documented below.
The default configuration will load the source(map) files (this must include both the JavaScript source file and the JavaScript source map file) from a local path on disk. You can set the base path that will be used.
# source_map_store is used to configure which store to use, in this case local disk
source_map_store: file_store
# (optional) path is used to set the base path of the files, defaults to `.`
path: /tmp/sourcemaps
Each line of the stack trace includes the URL of the file it originated from.
Taking this as an example
The base file name is then found main.c383b093b0b66825a9c3.js
This path is joined with the configured path and then read from disk.
You can also load the source(map) files (this must include both the JavaScript source file and the JavaScript source map file) from an S3 bucket.
# source_map_store is used to configure which store to use, in this case S3
source_map_store: s3_store
# s3_source_maps is used to configure the sourcing of source maps from S3
# bucket is the name of the bucket the files are stored in
bucket: source-maps-bucket
# (optional) region is used to configure the buckets location
region: us-east-1
# (optional) prefix is used to nest the files in a sub key of the bucket
prefix: source-maps
Each line of the stack trace includes the URL of the file it originated from.
Taking this as an example
The base file name is then found main.c383b093b0b66825a9c3.js
This path is joined with the prefix if provided and then used as the key to
source from the bucket.
You can also load the source(map) files from a GCS bucket.
# source_map_store is used to configure which store to use, in this case GCS
source_map_store: gcs_store
# gcs_source_maps is used to configure the sourcing of source maps from GCS
# bucket is the name of the bucket the files are stored in
bucket: source-maps-bucket
# (optional) prefix is used to nest the files in a sub key of the bucket
prefix: source-maps
Each line of the stack trace includes the URL of the file it originated from.
Taking this as an example
The base file name is then found main.c383b093b0b66825a9c3.js
This path is joined with the prefix if provided and then used as the key to
source from the bucket.
The processor expects the stacktrace information to be formatted into four separate attributes:
- columns
- functions
- lines
- urls
Each of these attributes must be a slice with each being of equal length.
columns: [6465,3512358,3512661,3514018,758545]
functions: ["?","w.callback","push.Br+g.w.crossDomainError","XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous>","XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous>"]
lines: [3582,2,2,2,2]
urls: ["","","","",""]
The following configuration options can also be provided to change the attributes used to look for stack traces and store them.
Config Key | Description | Example Value |
symbolicator_failure_attribute_key |
Signals if the the symbolicator fails to fully symbolicate the stack trace | exception.symbolicator.failed |
columns_attribute_key |
Which attribute should the columns of the stack trace be sourced from | exception.structured_stacktrace.columns |
functions_attribute_key |
Which attribute should the functions of the stack trace be sourced from | exception.structured_stacktrace.functions |
lines_attribute_key |
Which attribute should the lines of the stack trace be sourced from | exception.structured_stacktrace.lines |
urls_attribute_key |
Which attribute should the urls of the stack trace be sourced from | exception.structured_stacktrace.urls |
output_stack_trace_key |
Which attribute should the symbolicated stack trace be populated into | exception.stacktrace |
stack_type_key |
Which attribute contains the exception type | exception.type |
stack_message_key |
Which attribute contains the exception message | exception.message |
preserve_stack_trace |
After the stack trace has been symbolicated should the original values be preserved as attributes | true |
original_stack_trace_key |
If the stack trace is being preserved which key should it be copied to | exception.stacktrace.original |
original_columns_attribute_key |
If the stack trace is being preserved which key should the functions be copied to | exception.structured_stacktrace.functions.original |
original_functions_attribute_key |
If the stack trace is being preserved which key should the lines be copied to | exception.structured_stacktrace.lines.original |
original_lines_attribute_key |
If the stack trace is being preserved which key should the columns be copied to | exception.structured_stacktrace.columns.original |
original_urls_attribute_key |
If the stack trace is being preserved which key should the urls be copied to | exception.structured_stacktrace.urls.original |
Config Key | Description | Example Value |
timeout |
Max duration to wait to symbolicate a stack trace in seconds. | 5 |
source_map_cache_size |
The maximum number of source maps to cache. Reduce this if you are running into memory issues with the collector. | 128 |