Mixpanel integration for use with React Native apps built on Expo.
Forked from @benawad/expo-mixpanel-analytics
to add support for Expo 39.
npm install @benawad/expo-mixpanel-analytics --save
Your React Native app's screen resolution, app name, app ID, app version, device information and multiple other parameters will be automatically resolved and sent with each event.
import ExpoMixpanelAnalytics from '@benawad/expo-mixpanel-analytics';
const analytics = new ExpoMixpanelAnalytics("5224da5bbbed3fdeaad0911820f1bf2x");
analytics.register({ email: "[email protected]" }); // super props sent on every request and persisted in AsyncStorage
analytics.track("Signed Up", { "Referred By": "Friend" });
analytics.people_set({ "$first_name": "Joe", "$last_name": "Doe", "$email": "[email protected]", "$created": "2013-04-01T13:20:00", "$phone": "4805551212", "Address": "1313 Mockingbird Lane", "Birthday": "1948-01-01" });
analytics.people_set_once({ "First login date": "2013-04-01T13:20:00" });
analytics.people_unset([ "Days Overdue" ]);
analytics.people_increment({ "Coins Gathered": 12 });
analytics.people_append({ "Power Ups": "Bubble Lead" });
analytics.people_union({ "Items purchased": ["socks", "shirts"] });