This module configures the Remote Management System (Baseboard Management Controller) on Enterprise servers.
You can configure the BMC's LAN, LDAP and SSL certificates and manage the local users.
Can use IPMItool require at least version 1.8.18 or a server provider specific tool (ie. racadm) to do the actual communication with the BMC.
What this module affects: This module affect's configures the BMC controller.
- PuppetLabs stdlib module
- PuppetLabs apt module
- Puppet version >= 4.10.x
- Facter version >= 2.4.3
To begin using the bmc module just include the bmc module and it will install ipmitools or 3rd party OEM sofware if it is on supported hardware.
include bmc
If you don't have access to the internet you can manage if 3rd party repositores should be installed.
class { 'bmc':
manage_oem_repo => false,
To setup a bmc_user with username 'simple' with password: password
bmc_user { 'simple':
password => 'password',
A bmc user that only can use ipmi
bmc_user { 'More complex':
password => 'password',
callin => false,
ipmi => true,
link => false,
A bmc user with administrator privilege on channel 2 and user privilege on channel 1.
bmc_user { 'Very complex':
password => 'password',
callin => false,
ipmi => true,
privilege =>
'1' => user,
'2' => administrator,
bmc_user { 'idrac_admin':
password => 'password',
callin => true,
ipmi => true,
link => true,
idrac => 0x1ff,
bmc_ssl { 'IDRAC ssl':
certificate_file => '/etc/ssl/private/idrac.pem',
certificate_key => '/etc/ssl/private/idrac.key',
bmc_username => 'root',
bmc_password => '<idrac_root_password>',
bmc_server_host => '',
bmc_user { 'root':
password => 'mypassword',
bmc_ssl { 'IDRAC ssl':
certificate_file => '/etc/ssl/private/idrac.pem',
certificate_key => '/etc/ssl/private/idrac.key',
bmc_network { 'bmc_network':
bmc_network { 'bmc_network':
ip_source => static,
ipv4_ip_address => '',
ipv4_gateway => '',
ipv4_netmask => '',
bmc_ldap{'my_ldap' :
server => '',
base_dn => 'CN=users,CN=accounts,DC=example,DC=com',
bmc_ldap_group{'1' :
server => '',
base_dn => 'CN=users,CN=accounts,DC=example,DC=com',
bmc_time{'my_ntp' :
ntp_servers => ['',''],
bmc_syslog{'my_syslog' :
syslog_servers => [''],
This is tested on these OS:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Centos 7.6
- FreeBSD 11.2, 12.0
To develop (and test) providers we need access to as many and divert BMC's as possible. So if you have access to a server from HP, Dell, Intel, IBM, Oracle(SUN) where you will provide us admin rights for both BMC and OS please contact us.
Pull requests (PR) and bug reports via GitHub are welcomed.
When submitting PR please follow these quidelines:
- Provide puppet-lint compliant code
- If possible provide rspec tests
- Follow the module style and stdmod naming standards
When submitting bug report please include or link:
- The Puppet code that triggers the error
- The output of facter on the system where you try it
- All the relevant error logs
- Any other information useful to undestand the context